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 Puppet Creation

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Posts : 17
Join date : 2009-09-11

Puppet Creation Empty
PostSubject: Puppet Creation   Puppet Creation Icon_minitimeTue Sep 15, 2009 5:29 pm

This is the puppet Template post under Me!!!!

[b]Name:[/b] What is the name of your puppet?

[b]Rank:[/b] What is the rank of your puppet? Is it a simple C-Rank puppet? Or a deadly A-Rank puppet?


Offensive (, Made specifically for deadly assassination. )
Hybrid (A balance between both Offensive and Defensive)
Defensive (Defensive puppet, Specializing in defending You!!)

[b]Description:[/b] Give us a brief explanation of this puppet. (including a little history on the puppet.) [b]But remember Its your puppet HAVE FUN WITH IT!!![/b]
Weapons: Where are the weapons stored in this puppet?

 Arms -
 Legs -

Jutsu: If this puppet has any  jutsu, put it here!)
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