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 Clan Creation

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Ryuku zami
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PostSubject: Clan Creation   Clan Creation Icon_minitimeFri May 29, 2009 8:40 am

This is where you post your clan creation.

Clan History:
Clan Symbol:
Other Information:

explain kekegenkai in detail and at least 15 lines is required for a clan history though at the end it can be said unknown to everyone.
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Ryuku zami

Ryuku zami

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PostSubject: Re: Clan Creation   Clan Creation Icon_minitimeSun May 31, 2009 4:48 pm

Name: Dokomo
Kekegenkai: allows the user to use this eye to look around with it then focus on one place then they teleport there. At the speed of light
Clan History: this clan was made by Ryuku when he was in reasearch and he made one of the most powerful kekki genkis
Clan Symbol: none
Other Information: None
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PostSubject: Re: Clan Creation   Clan Creation Icon_minitimeMon Jun 01, 2009 9:19 am

clan history needs to be longer.
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PostSubject: Re: Clan Creation   Clan Creation Icon_minitimeFri Sep 11, 2009 8:08 pm

Name: Raiden clan

The raiden clan has been know for there Lightning manipulated across the world, there power streams from Natural given ability, they can harness and form lightning in any form necessary. There lightning is strange as it is a irregular color, most lightning chakra attack are blue to light blue. but this lightning is unique and its formed and colored white naturally.

Regular level: the clan has a few levels of power the clan members can achieve, The first level is not named, as it is a regular person equivalent with a regular lightning user.

First level: But as the user acquires techniques there skill level will increase. As they start to get control of there new found elemental powers they should be around chuunin level and the new powers should be developing.

This new found power will give the user the ability to form lots of deadly chakra around there body and be able to use it as protective styles of jutsu, but they cannot fully envelope there body in lightning . And there Chakra increases as well as there natural speed and agility.

Second level:
As the second level of power comes, the user is able to harness natural Lightning and use it for large attacks, at this level the user is able to use a array of Lightning jutsu. But as there skill qill gain everyday they will then be able to activate one of the most clans powerful jutsu The Raidutsu raiden.

This technique allows the user to move at incredible speeds, and it also allows the user to fully immerse themselves in lightning.

Clan History: The clan was one of the main founders of the Cloud village, as there techniques and lightning styles have been the founding element of the whole village. The users from this clan have been know for the blunt attacks and powerfull lightning powers. The clan had been formed long before the birth of the cloud, and many of the clans members have dispersed and dismembered but as the main branch of the raiden clan still stands they are the strongest Shinobi know From 'The lightning country.
Clan Symbol:Clan Creation Ist2_4943606-explosion-icon-symbol
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PostSubject: Re: Clan Creation   Clan Creation Icon_minitimeFri Sep 11, 2009 9:49 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Clan Creation   Clan Creation Icon_minitimeSun Sep 13, 2009 9:35 am

Name: Shouten clan

Kekegenkai: The Shouten clan, have a special affinity with death. As have been thought to be descended from gods, they have immense taijutsu power as well. The clan is said to Resemble death himself, as each clan member has a customized Scythe they carry everywhere. The clans true power lies in there, soul stealing techniques, in which the user can Steal his opponents soul and use them against them, by creating a perfect clone of them. The clan members also specialize in The are of Voodoo.

And The clan members have two Stages, The first stage is where they look regular, and can use there regular techniques, but when applied the proper hand signals there skin turns black with white markings representing a skeleton, a symbol of absolute death. In this stage, the user has Regenerative powers. And there Attributes increase, such as there speed agility and strength. And they have the ability to consume opponents souls, which feeds there strength.

Soul stealing: The clan had been know for there soul stealing techniques, As well as many others but this technique is applied when The user forms black chakra to there scythe or onto there palm, and once either strike the opponent, it absorbs there soul. This technique having no effect on them physically, but the technique just takes the users soul stopping them from resting in the after life. And the effects on the user are, they gain more chakra and increased power. The clan is limited to one soul a day, anymore and the user will die. But one of the down falls is that you have to keep your hand or scythe on/in the opponent for at least 1-2 posts before their soul is absorbed.

Clan History: The clan was rumored to be started around the birth of the waterfall village, As there great power attributed to the strength of the Waterfall village, They helped the village grown and become powerful, but in the first Great shinobi war The other villages Joined in alliance to destroy the the shouten clan, as they feared there power. But they dint go down without a fight. But As the number of there opponents were great they couldn't fight forever. And so the few living members fled the village and took refuge in, Yugakure. The village hidden in the hot water. And soon the clan was back on its feet, but they always stayed cautious to a attack. And The last decedent to come from the clan Was Artemis.

Clan Symbol: Clan Creation Symbol

Other Information:

Clan jutsu:

Name: Soul Steal.
Rank: Hiden
Element: None
Requirements: The character, must be in the Shouten clan and Be in there Second stage.
Description: The user forms black chakra to there scythe or onto there palm, and once either strike the opponent, it absorbs there soul. This technique having no effect on them physically, but the technique just takes the users soul stopping them from resting in the after life. And the effects on the user are, they gain more chakra and increased power. One down side is the user must keep his hand on the opponent for one post.

Name: Reaper Regeneration.
Rank: Hiden
Element: none
Requirements: The user must be in the second stage. And must be in the Shouten clan.
Description: Once the user has interred, there second stage they can heal major wounds, but the regeneration takes a little while. but if the clan member has stolen a soul there regeneration time is increased.

Name: Soul clone
Rank: Hiden
Element: None
Requirements: The user must be in the second stage. And must be in the Shouten clan.
Description: Once the user, has successfully stolen a opponents soul, they can use it to form a Exact clone of There opponent. This clone can utilize all the jutsu there former body possesses. The clone in no way is destroyed easily, As it is formed form pure soul ectoplasm, when it is cut or slashed it leaks a jello ten based substance. the final aspect of the clone is that all damage that is inflicted to the clone is mirrored back onto the user and opponents body.

Name: Blood Bind.
Rank: Hiden
Element: None
Requirements: must be in the Shouten clan.
Description: The user must cut, the opponent with their scythe, once the user has obtained the blood on their scythe, they lick it off, and then performing the right hand seals, the target is then forced to imitate the user's movements. Therefore, the two can throw shuriken at each other at the same time if the user desires that.
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PostSubject: Re: Clan Creation   Clan Creation Icon_minitimeSun Sep 13, 2009 9:52 am

sorry no clans that let you be immortal
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PostSubject: Re: Clan Creation   Clan Creation Icon_minitimeSun Sep 13, 2009 10:06 am

Approved but don't godmod to much with it
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PostSubject: Re: Clan Creation   Clan Creation Icon_minitimeSun Sep 13, 2009 11:56 am

Name: Medoro Clan
Kekegenkai: This clan allowed the users to gain much stronger elemental jutsu then others even allowing them to bend the element without chakra. The useres of this clan have special eyes that give them the ability to master elements with ease. When the person activates the elemental eye the eye will change color depending on the element and when not activated their eyes stay the same all white as the hyuuga clans eyes. People in this clan have to go through very harsh chakra contro ltraining along with handseal training for years before they are actually given the element abilities to ensure that the shinobi will be a shift and strong elemental master. The users of this clan are expert ninjutsu users being able to pull off a large amount of jutsu in only a minute.
Clan History: The clan was founded by a man by the name of Kezuka Medoro a very skilled ninjutsu user but found he could take it further. Being born from a clan that had a weaker doujutsu that allows him to manipulate the elements he decided to take it further. As he trained his eyes changed from the normal black that he had to an all white his doujutsu techniques he had growing very quickly. Meeting up with a young women in the same clan as him also wanting to take her elements masteries further. After training the doujutsu making it stronger along with their elemental based jtusu they had children that possessed the same abilities as them but would be much stronger since they where born from the two leaders of the clan. The two had two children one by the name of mezuki medoro the other by the name of kechi medoro. After becoming old enough to enter the academy they began to train their chakra control also being with a doujutsu that allows them to lower the chakra for their elements they quickly became the strognest elemental jutsu users known around the village. As the two children grew younger kechi left the village to train by himself while mezuki stayed to learn from his parents. After making it as a genin mezuki left to continue his training and keep the clans amazing elemental jutsu alive. The eye became known as the Suchici mezuki deciding to name since his father prefered it nameless.
Clan Symbol:
Other Information:

The downside to this clan is that every member born into this clan are very bad taijutsu users allowing them to only use taijutsu rank D or lower.

Water + Fire= Steam
Water + Wind= Ice
Water + Earth= Wood
Fire + Earth= Metal
Fire + Wind= Ash (a smoke that can be easily combusted and cause large explosions)
Earth + Lightning= Crystals
Earth + Water= Mud (the mud made from the fusion of these two elements is much denser and sticker then normal mud and if the ninja does not move out of the mud they can drown)

Name: Suchici Normal Stage
Rank: E
Type: Doujtusu
Description: This state of the suchici only decreases the required amount of chakra for elemental attacks slightly to start off but grows in strength at the rank of chunin allows the user to use one less chakra level for jutsu ( ex. B ranked jutsu only use c ranked jutsu chakra). In this state the eyes of the medoro clan are all white each member of the clan being born with this ability

Name: Suchici First Stage: Elemental Mastery
Rank: D
Type: Doujtusu
Description: This stage changes the eye turns from an all white to a spiral pupil the color depending on the element being used. While using this stage the person can manipulate their element equal to the jutsu that the rank below them can preform just by moving their hands and without using as much chakra as a jutsu would.

Name: Suchici Second Stage: Full Elemental Release
Rank: C
Type: Doujtusu
Description: This stage of the eye allows the user to push their element to its fullest potential and increasing their handseal speed allowing them to preform thirty jutsu without even becoming fatigued slightly. In this stage the eye turns into what looks like a ninja star just like before the eye color changing depending on the element or elements used a long with this state.

Name: Suchici Third Stage: Mixed Element Manipulation
Rank: B
Type: Doujtusu
Description: This allows the user to manipulate the elements that the user of this clan obtains by mixing elements. The manipulation is the same as the first stage but the eye changes into an X shape each of the slashs on the X being a different color to symbolize which element the user is mixing.

Name: Suchici Fourth Stage: Chakra Regrowth
Rank: A
Type: Doujtusu
Description: When this form of the eye is activated it allows the user to regain chakra when they use jutsu. This also allows the user to leak a elemental chakra instead of gain it depending on the element it can harm people when they come close enough. In this stage the users eyes takes the shape of a ying yang symbol the symbol spinning if they are gaining chakra and the symbol not spinning if they aren't.

Name: Suchici Fifth Stage: Elemental Mimic
Rank: S
Type: Doujtusu
Description: In this stage the user is able to look at the opponent and copy the handsigns and be able to preform the jutsu that the enemy or ally has used if it is the same element or elements that they have. Being that this eye does take a large amount of focus the and chakra the user cannot use this doujutsu for longer then 5 posts and if it is the eye will be permanently damage and this stage can never be reached again.

Last edited by MysticNoob on Sat Sep 19, 2009 7:54 pm; edited 6 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Clan Creation   Clan Creation Icon_minitimeSun Sep 13, 2009 12:05 pm

Im not 100 % sure about this clan but i say APPROVED, But a admin should look it over...
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PostSubject: Re: Clan Creation   Clan Creation Icon_minitimeSun Sep 13, 2009 2:54 pm

well, i gess i'll say approved to
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PostSubject: Re: Clan Creation   Clan Creation Icon_minitimeSun Sep 13, 2009 10:14 pm

I think the element part is a little OP . but if Riuku says yes then I have no choice . APPROVED
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PostSubject: Re: Clan Creation   Clan Creation Icon_minitimeMon Sep 14, 2009 2:40 pm

well Odin you have a point so i gess that you should change it a little. like show what kind of a down side it has
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PostSubject: Re: Clan Creation   Clan Creation Icon_minitimeMon Sep 14, 2009 3:32 pm

that will work Approved
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PostSubject: Re: Clan Creation   Clan Creation Icon_minitimeWed Sep 16, 2009 4:01 pm

Kekegenkai:Cjintio (SEE-hin-nee-SHIO)
Clan History:This clan is the master of genjutsu's,very few ninja can break there genjutsu's and there genjutsu's are to good to be true. There eye the cjintio turns the white part of there eye green and the colored bart of there eye red. This clan was formally made by the great great grandfather of Alexander. This clan specialize in genjutsu's and plant jutsu's. Alexander great great grandfather went past thoughs laws and started creating forbidden jutsu's which made the whole clan a bit weary. Alexanders dad stood up to his great grandfather and lost. So many people ahve tried to take him on but none have succeded. He killed the men and banished the women but kept there children. Alexander had enough. By the time he was about 14 he always praticed day by day night by night for 8 years preparing to verse his grandfather. When he was ready he did something so cruel so unhonorable he got banished out of the clan himself from the othe clan members because he killed his grandfather in his sleep along with his grnadfathers wife and children. Alex didn't care not one bit whats done is done and there is no going back.(After that his arcs explain the rest)
Clan Symbol:
Other Information:this clan his full of great liars so stay on your toes
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PostSubject: Re: Clan Creation   Clan Creation Icon_minitimeWed Sep 16, 2009 4:21 pm

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