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 Artemis Shouten

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Join date : 2009-09-11

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PostSubject: Artemis Shouten   Artemis Shouten Icon_minitimeFri Sep 11, 2009 8:21 pm


Name: Artemis
Age: 20
Weight: 150
Height: 5'10
Carried Items: A large Four Bladed Scythe. Kunai, Shuriken, Explosive tags
Special Characteristics physically:
Village or Ex Village(s): Ex Waterfall village
Rank: S ranked Missing Nin

Clan Info

Custom Clan:

Ability Info

Elements: Fire/Lightning/Wind

Specialties: Taijutsu/Weaponry Ninjutsu/Jujutsu



Name: Soul Steal.
Rank: S
Element: None
Requirements: The character, must be in the Shouten clan and Be in there Second stage.
Type: Shouten clan Jujutsu
Description: The user forms black chakra to there scythe or onto there palm, and once either strike the opponent, it absorbs there soul. This technique having no effect on them physically, but the technique just takes the users soul stopping them from resting in the after life. And the effects on the user are, they gain more chakra and increased power. One down side is the user must keep his hand on the opponent for one post.

Name: Reaper Regeneration.
Rank: A
Element: none
Type: Shouten clan Jujutsu
Requirements: The user must be in the second stage. And must be in the Shouten clan.
Description: Once the user has interred, there second stage they can heal major wounds, but the regeneration takes a little while. but if the clan member has stolen a soul there regeneration time is increased.

Name: Soul clone
Rank: A
Element: None
Requirements: The user must be in the second stage. And must be in the Shouten clan.
Type: Shouten clan Jujutsu
Description: Once the user, has successfully stolen a opponents soul, they can use it to form a Exact clone of There opponent. This clone can utilize all the jutsu there former body possesses. The clone in no way is destroyed easily, As it is formed form pure soul ectoplasm, when it is cut or slashed it leaks a jello ten based substance. the final aspect of the clone is that all damage that is inflicted to the clone is mirrored back onto the user and opponents body.

Name: Blood Bind.
Rank: S
Element: None
Requirements: must be in the Shouten clan.
Type: Shouten clan jujutsu
Description: The user must cut, the opponent with their scythe, once the user has obtained the blood on their scythe, they lick it off, and then performing the right hand seals, the target is then forced to imitate the user's movements. Therefore, the two can throw shuriken at each other at the same time if the user desires that.

Fire Jutsu:

Name: Haisekishou - Burning Ash Accumulation
Rank: B
Element: Fire
Type: Ninjutsu
Description: Katon • Haisekishou is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Fire Element. After forming the needed handseals, Artemis will expel an ash from his mouth. This large cloud begin to envelope his foe and when Artemis clicks his teeth, the cloud will ignite in an explosion.

Name: Housenka no Jutsu - Mythical Fire Phoenix Technique
Rank: C
Element: Fire
Type: ninjutsu
Description: Katon • Housenka no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Fire Element. The ninja does the necessary hand seals and then emits a series of small fire balls. The ninja can also hurl a projectile which is covered in these same flames. To the opponent the attack appears to be only the balls of flame, they do not see the hidden threat within the flames. Meaning that even if the flames are put out, the projectiles still converge on the target. The flames can be used to cover different projectiles like shuriken or kunai.

Name: Fire Release: Great Dragon Fire Technique
Rank: B
Element: Fire
Type: ninjutsu
Description: the user fires several large dragon-shaped fireballs at their opponent. The technique appears to require a lot of chakra to use, It is able to alter localized weather conditions by condensing water vapor with extreme heat to the point of making thunder clouds when shot into the air.

Name: Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique
Rank: C
Element: Fire
Type: ninjutsu
Description: After performing the necessary hand seals, a ninja inhales air via their mouth and, gather up chakra in their chest, then spews a large fireball from their mouth after blowing through a ring made by the thumb and index finger of the user, incinerating everything in range. The fireball ignites externally.

Name: Fire Release: Roaring Flame Sphere
Rank: A
Element: Fire
Type: ninjutsu
Description: After performing the necessary hand seals, a ninja inhales air via their mouth and, gather up chakra in their chest, then the user exhales a meteor-sized sphere of fire that causes a massive explosion on impact, and once it hits it destination and explodes, it spouts out a wave of fire projectiles.

Name: Fire cloud.
Rank: A
Element: Fire
Type: ninjutsu
Description: After performing the necessary hand seals, a ninja inhales air via their mouth and, gather up chakra in their chest, then the user exhales Creating A Massive Ball of fire over A large area. The fire cloud rains out Small fire balls the size of Golf balls

Non elemental Jutsu:

Name: Kage bunshin
Rank: B
Element: None
Type: ninjutsu
Description:Kage Bunshin is a Jounin level Ninjutsu technique. When Naruto stole the scroll of seals, he learned this technique as well. The normal Bunshin technique creates a copy of the ninja that lacks any substance. The Kage Bunshin distributes the ninja's chakra evenly among the clones and creates a real copy with form and substance. The clone itself can also utilize any jutsu the original ninja knows. When the clone finally disperses, any new knowledge it has gained is passed back to the original ninja and any additional clones. This makes Kage Bunshin an excellent training method if the ninja has the chakra capacity and stamina to maintain the Kage Bunshins for an extended period of time. This allows the ninja to essentially reduce the time it takes to train and learn with each clone added. This is especially true when used with Tajuu Kage Bunshin.

Name: Kage bunshin explosion
Rank: A
Element: None
Type: ninjutsu
Description:This jutsu works in combination with the Shadow Clone Technique to create a shadow clone that will explode on command. The blast created is considerable, and could potentially kill an attacker engaged in hand-to-hand combat.



Birth: Artemis was born in a small village just outside the fields of waterffall village territory. , the village was small and modest. but some of the strongest ninja's ever know would spring from this mall little spec in the world. Artemis was just 2 when the plague hit the small village, rampaging through it took many lives, such as the life of his father. art was so young he barley remembers his father, but his older brother being 4 he remember , the pain and the loss of a loss family member, after he died arts brother Kame became cold and lifeless. he closed himself from the outside world only letting pain and death in his life, As he let this reflect on his little brother and art grew and became stronger he grew not just physically but mentally. his brothers troubles only rained down on him,

Academy Arc: at the age of 6 art started the academy living in the grass village, from the ages of 10-13 art was there working hard and always hoping to be a ninja. the final day before graduation, art mother died. leaving him the last know of his kind... so the young boy perused his careen and started to become a great ninja.

Genin Arc: Being put in with his first group he had suto and sabaturo, they other two genin, had been preivous friends, and soon they all became a close knit family but one day on a mission they both were killed. leaving Art the last of his genin squad, soon after he was promoted to chuunin.

Chunin arc:
In his chuunin days he was pretty lazy he had a job at the academy working and teaching students, and he as well had a job as a proctor at the exams. But a year later he became a jounin,

Jounin arc:
when he became jounin he as well became a squad captain, and agian he was sent out on a mission and one of his teammates was horribly wounded, so he brought the genin back to his village and he was never seen again, He was thought to be seen drifting the rest of his life away, only achieving tasks for his personal gain.

Rp Sample: Artemis staggered through the dessert as the heat Wore down, he had became majorly dehydrated from the long journey him and his comrade had taken. As he walked his feet seemed to sink into the sand, as he had became tired each step he took was harder to pull back out of the deep treacherous sand. But the look on his face did not show his exhaustion, He kept his Reserve as it seemed a akatsuki trait. As they always appeared very calm and collected, Artemis walked along keeping up his pace not wanting fall behind. he looked over the large sand dune but just to get another glimpse of more sand, he sighed and walked down the large mound of sand. He kept his hands sunk down in his pockets, his right hand clasping a scroll. Which was strange cause he usually carried a large Black and Red Scythe around everywhere he went. But knowing their Visit To Sungakure was a Discreet one he wanted to keep a low profile, and they way he usually dressed was nothing less than a attention getter. Artemis brought his hands up out of his pockets slicking his hair back as he said to Stylx, "looks like were almost there." He stated not even turning to face His teammate. As the final word rolled of his tongue a gust of wind blew up the hill of sand blowing around his completely dark cloak, and snowy white hair. As his hair had became messy he reached up slicking his hair once more, as this was a often habit of his it seemed to annoy many people. But thinking nothing of it he brought his hands back down tucking them back into his pockets.
He Gripped the Loose scroll that lay deep in his pocket, As they walked up another sand dune, Artemis peeked over once more seeing the large Village only a half mile away. He let out a sigh of relief as there walk wasn't much more, he hung his head down as he slid down the the mountain of sand.

Artemis kept walking totally ignoring his degrading comment, it seemed that his teammate was always putting down his intelligence and self worth. But he couldn't help but smirk as a thought raced through his mind., "ha ha, me and Stylx are always into it, but i wouldn't want anyone else fighting next to me that's for sure." . As Artemis walked along he started remembering the long history he had with stylx, and he thought of all the missions the had completed together, He started remembering the time they took out almost a whole abnu squad, just the two of them. But soon the smile faded away as he got a glimpse of the village, he squinted his eyes as the brightly shining sun glared across the sand. And Artemis Could only wonder what Awaited them in Sungakure. But keeping his hopes up he wished for one day he could just go without any confrontations, but knowing he got himself into this line of work he only had himself to blame. Artemis did possess a certain valuable technique that was feared and envied by all , The dreaded shouten clan.. They were said to be descendants of the gods, with the power to harness and obtain human souls for there own self worth. Seeing that the clans members had been spread across the globe akatsuki was lucky to obtain a such unlikely member. Soon Artemis had reached near the front gate, he knew that he may have to deal with the kazekage himself. He had previous run ins with him before, but it seemed to not bother him much as he wasn't that impressed by the Kazekage's power. Deep down he knew Akatsuki's True motives, which did make him a little fearful but he never expressed this to anyone not even stylx.

As he came to the Great front gate of the Sand village Sand poured out of his sandles, he shook his foot trying to remove the excess sand, but he had failed. "uh this stuff i swear, i don't know how anyone could live here." he stated with disgust. Artemis watched as everyone engaged in battle he sighed turning back, and looking at the Large front gate that had been busted open by Stylx. He brought his right hand up striping away his Akatsuki Robe, He clasped the thick silk lining as he tossed it onto the ground. The whole time he kept silent, as he walked out the front gate his feet sunk deep into the sand, as he hoped to put akatsuki quickly behind him. But knowing they might not let him go without a fight. Artemis Walked through the desert with his Large Scythe resting on shoulder, the harsh thick air stung his lungs as he breathed very heavily. The air was thick and uncomfortable, it seemed to burden him in a evil way just like before. But he kept moving in the harsh desert knowing his former members were busy, and as long as the kages kept fighting he was able to get away safely without killing anyone. As he slipped further and further away he seemed to grow tired and become dehydrated, As the winds started to pick up the sand blew around profusely making a large sand storm as his silhouette faded away in the distance the sun fell to the west as well...

Last edited by Artemis on Tue Sep 15, 2009 6:59 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Join date : 2009-05-21
Location : in a tree.

Artemis Shouten Empty
PostSubject: Re: Artemis Shouten   Artemis Shouten Icon_minitimeSun Sep 13, 2009 10:20 am

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Akatsuki leader

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Join date : 2009-05-31

Artemis Shouten Empty
PostSubject: Re: Artemis Shouten   Artemis Shouten Icon_minitimeMon Sep 14, 2009 5:53 pm


Name: Blood Bind.
Rank: Hiden
Element: None
Requirements: must be in the Shouten clan.
Type: Shouten clan jujutsu
Description: The user must cut, the opponent with their scythe, once the user has obtained the blood on their scythe, they lick it off, and then performing the right hand seals, the target is then forced to imitate the user's movements. Therefore, the two can throw shuriken at each other at the same time if the user desires that.

does this mean it constanly consumes chakra?

Name: Soul clone
Rank: Hiden
Element: None
Requirements: The user must be in the second stage. And must be in the Shouten clan.
Type: Shouten clan Jujutsu
Description: Once the user, has successfully stolen a opponents soul, they can use it to form a Exact clone of There opponent. This clone can utilize all the jutsu there former body possesses. The clone in no way is destroyed easily, As it is formed form pure soul ectoplasm, when it is cut or slashed it leaks a jello ten based substance. the final aspect of the clone is that all damage that is inflicted to the clone is mirrored back onto the user and opponents body.

the clone has no connection to the opponent so it really can't automatically hurt the opponent when an attack lands so just get rid of the hurt the opponent part and you should be good man

-- Uraburos
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Artemis Shouten Empty
PostSubject: Re: Artemis Shouten   Artemis Shouten Icon_minitimeTue Sep 15, 2009 3:30 pm

The first jutsu the blood bind is similar to the Nara clan jutsu, but it has nothing to do with shadow. Its a Jujutsu, once the user consumes the opponents blood they can manipulate them using there body. Its kinda a Sealing jutsu. And It constintly consumes chakra yes but from me!!. and it takes allot to use this technique.

Name: Soul clone
Rank: A
Element: None
Requirements: The user must be in the second stage. And must be in the Shouten clan.
Type: Shouten clan Jujutsu
Description: Once the user, has successfully stolen a opponents soul, they can use it to form a Exact clone of There opponent. This clone can utilize all the jutsu there former body possesses. The clone in no way is destroyed easily, As it is formed form pure soul ectoplasm, when it is cut or slashed it leaks a jello ten based substance.

Is that better i fixed it up

Last edited by Artemis on Tue Sep 15, 2009 6:59 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Join date : 2009-05-21
Location : in a tree.

Artemis Shouten Empty
PostSubject: Re: Artemis Shouten   Artemis Shouten Icon_minitimeTue Sep 15, 2009 3:32 pm

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Artemis Shouten Empty
PostSubject: Re: Artemis Shouten   Artemis Shouten Icon_minitimeTue Sep 15, 2009 6:34 pm

Unapproved. There are no hidden ranks accepted for Jutsu you get a limited amount of types of jutsu for a reason and just tagging on hidden is not a free bypass. Edit.
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Artemis Shouten Empty
PostSubject: Re: Artemis Shouten   Artemis Shouten Icon_minitimeTue Sep 15, 2009 7:00 pm

ok fixed my jutsu's ranks
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Akatsuki leader

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Artemis Shouten Empty
PostSubject: Re: Artemis Shouten   Artemis Shouten Icon_minitimeTue Sep 15, 2009 7:15 pm

ok now approved
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PostSubject: Re: Artemis Shouten   Artemis Shouten Icon_minitime

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