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 NWOTN 3.0!

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Posts : 1
Join date : 2010-07-18

NWOTN 3.0! Empty
PostSubject: NWOTN 3.0!   NWOTN 3.0! Icon_minitimeSun Jul 18, 2010 4:38 pm

NWOTN 3.0! Advpic

Hello there, I’m glad you’re reading this. Let me present to you the epitome of a series of successful and great forums which exist for more than two years now. I’m talking about Naruto’s Way of the Ninja, the third version of this incredible saga with an experience and old community of Roleplayers.

So, what is NWOTN? Naruto's Way of the Ninja (commonly known as NWOTN) is an old project who was born around February 2007. The forum quickly grew in popularity and members and so did the Role playing level. As such, the forum changed, evolved into NWOTN 2.0 (which no longer exists). After awhile, the idea came to build this one, commonly named as 3.0, an idea that came from Tenchi (aka Hajime Tenchi) and a previous Admin. The idea of 3.0 is to make a far more balanced RP with some stats to help the users guide themselves, but without restraining the true creativity that must exist on a forum based RPG.

NWOTN uses the fiction Kishimoto Masashi created as a reference for most things. However, this is not Naruto in its whole essence, as many things will be modified for the sake of a more balanced RP. You should also know that, being a Japanese creation, all of NWOTN has a Japanese theme to its lands, characters and ways of life, regardless of which country you live in.

In NWOTN 3.0 you’ll have:
  • An experienced Administration group with years of experience;
  • An experienced and friendly community ready to help you and make you feel right at home;
  • Hundreds of different Ninja builds, you’ll be sure to have your one unique character.
  • The feeling of a rising development of your character both in power and RP wise;
  • Over 250 Jutsu ready to be used, plus each clan’s special techniques;
  • 15 Clan from the anime and custom modifications, as well as 10 Traits for Clanless people;
  • Over 50 different weapons, armors and items for you to use;
  • All the great Summoning Beasts and Bijuu as well as Cursed Seals, soon to come;
  • The possibility of much, much more to be created by yourself, thus further increasing your character’s customization;

So wait no more, join now and you will start experience the great adventure that is Naruto’s Way of the Ninja 3.0 (plus, we have cookies and delicious cake!)
Cick to join NWOTN 3.0

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