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 Naizu Nimakee

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Join date : 2009-09-22

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PostSubject: Naizu Nimakee   Naizu Nimakee Icon_minitimeTue Sep 22, 2009 3:57 am

Name: Naizu Nimakee

Nickname/Alias: The Storm of the Clouds

Weight: 155

Height: 6'0
Age: 18

Gender: Male

Naizu Nimakee Caninesage

Medium length straight hair, Blue Vest, Black T-shirt, Black pants, Black Boots, Black sleeveless trench coat with dark blue waves (from to dripping to bottom)
Personality: Naizu is a calm,competetive, calulated and caring individual. His fierceness is instantly brought during battles whether sparring or life threating. He will interviene at the earliest convienience to protect one he cares for and out of battle he is easy to get along with.

Clan Name: Nimakee Clan

Kekei Genkai:Oakegan: genjutsu(3 stages have been noted in the clans history but there is a legend that 2 more exist. The possessors genjutsu is based on fear and elemental nature) 1st: Awakening Sight 2nd: Piercing Mind and 3rd: Heavens Vision

Awakening Sight: The possesors genjutsu ustilzes smaller portion of chakra and is enhanced. But most notably is one is able to gain premanitions of the opositions moves though only 50% accurate at this stage.

Piercing Mind: The possesors genjutsu uses more a great deal more chakra but also inflicts bodily wounds through genjutsu. the prior preminitions are enhanced 25% more and time seems at a slowed pace

Heavens Vision: At this state, the possessor can cast genjutsu on up to a hundred enemies at once for 10 min intervals. Determining the number of targets and time duration, the chakra consumption varies. All attributes from the previous two stages are also aplied as well as the priminitons accuracy increasing to upwards of 90%.

Clan Symbol:
Naizu Nimakee Bah027

Clan History: The nimakees are a middle class clan with extrodanary ability. The Founder of the clan, Gero Nimakee was know for his ruthless Genjustsu and was the first to posses the Oakegan. The Nimakees were and typically are hired as hidden gaurds for their stealth.As the founder and leader, Gero held overwelming pride but a gentle heart. He and his wife Nikko were very competitive and were known to at times split the clan into two seprate groups for sparring sessions. But on the third annual event, something amazing transpired. was so fierce, it'd awakend and pushed nikko's Oakegon into the second stage or the "piercing mind". Amongst this revalation, the format of the session turned to tournament style and occured once every 6 mon. The 3rd stage revealed in the tenth annual event, exactly one week after gave birth to their first child, Neirai. Rouge ninja attacked the clan under orders of a fuedel lords orders whom had gotten word of the the extent of the extent of the clans extraordinary kekkei genkei. The nimakees defended their territory and defeated all of the enemy...except one. Unknown to any of them, one ninja thought to be defeated because of the motionless body struck. Taking a kunai from the ground he bolted toward the infinte. Nikko saw him and gave up her body as well as her life to save her child. Amongst seeing the first drop of blood, the third stage, Heavens vision was awakened in Gero. Not only did Gero kill the ninja, he took on the task of finding the man respondsible and destroyed him and the shinobi who tried to protect him. Gero never married again and after his passing some 18 years later, his Neirai, assumed leadership of the clan. Under him the Nimakees have stayed on a low profile but were known throughout the land for they're abilities and were rarely challenged. Neirai still reins as leader some 20 years after his fathers passing and had 2 sons,now age 15 morbokai and a prodigy son named Naizu,now age 18.

Rank Information:

Village: Cloud

Skill Information:Excels in stealth,Uses steam style jutsu through his unique ability to use water and fire. Often uses cainine forms for basis of jutsu.

Skill Specialty: Main: Doujutsu Sub: Ninjutsu

Elemental Affinity: Main: Water Sub: Fire

Special Characteristics:Kekkei Genkai, Can liquify, mistify, and solidify his body at will












Name: Oakegon
Rank: Ranges from B-S depending on stage (awakening sight:B Piercing Mind:A Heavens Vision:S)
Description: Oakegan: genjutsu(3 stages have been noted in the clans history but there is a legend that 2 more exist. The possessors genjutsu is based on fear and elemental nature) 1st: Awakening Sight 2nd: Piercing Mind and 3rd: Heavens Vision

Awakening Sight: The possesors genjutsu ustilzes smaller portion of chakra and is enhanced. But most notably is one is able to gain premanitions of the opositions moves though only 50% accurate at this stage.

Piercing Mind: The possesors genjutsu uses more a great deal more chakra but also inflicts bodily wounds through genjutsu. the prior preminitions are enhanced 25% more and time seems at a slowed pace

Heavens Vision: At this state, the possessor can cast genjutsu on up to a hundred enemies at once for 10 min intervals. Determining the number of targets and time duration, the chakra consumption varies. All attributes from the previous two stages are also aplied as well as the priminitons accuracy increasing to upwards of 90%.

Name: Steam Style: Stealth Clone Jutsu
Description: Steam covers and heats the battle grounds and hot fogish like clones of Naizu lurk, and seek the enemy. (Not a good choice against wind element users for obvious reasons). Upon finding their target, they heat to upwards of 500 degrees, mistify and burn the target, as well as notify Naizu of the enimies location. The down side of this attack is that the clones seek the known chakra,figure. (From that info, im sure one would know how the could avoid the clones)
History/RP Sample:

History/Background Story:
Naizu Nimakee was born to a mid class clan,
Academy arc: Naizu was a high prospect amongst the overseers of the cloud village acacdamy. At age 11 he was able to use genjutsu and at an accellerated rate, so much so that after less than two weeks in the academy, the moved him to genin

Genin arc: Naizu never had a problem getting along with fellow students...personally. During sparring session however, he constantly pushed the buttons of his teammates for the fact that he never thought they were close to his level. Constantly toying with them using his genjutsu, he sessions never lasted more than a couple minutes.The raikage knew he needed to do something about this and decided to place Naizu in the chunin exams personally. Upon knowlege of this Naizu grew extatic and excited. But his excitement quickly turned to disapointment throughout the course of the exam. He blazed through to the finals and was never in any danger even then. But something snapped inside him during his bout in the finals as his opponent pointed into the crowd and started slandering the name of his clan out of frustration of his in ability to land more than one punch in succession on Naizu. Angered and insulted,he walked calmly into the now charging opponent, with his eyes closed. Just prior to a clear shot landing on him, his eyes opened and only a sea of darkness could be seen, his Oakegan had been awakened and the awakening sight was his oponents last. The enemy stopped, dropped and didn't move, Naizu was declared the winner.

Chunnin Arc: Although becoming a chunnin, Naizu wasn't satasfied and started reqesting sparring matches with jounin and only to prepare for the annuall Nimakee tournament at that. Naizu was the prize of the Nimakees and the cloud at the age of 11. Nimakee won all of the annuall tourneys he took part in and at the age of 14 became a jounin.

Jounin Arc: At this point in time Naizu was growing weary of his village and started to contemplate. Missions he was sent on were childs play for him, and he sought no reason to stay. "I have nothing against being here, I just want to be the best he thought to himself". That night, he set off, not knowing what he would do or where he'd go, he just packed and left. The Raikage tried to keep this underwraps and set jounin and anbu out to search for him but to no avail. Eventually word got around and the villiage began to mutter about the stunning transpirings. Hours after hearing the news, morbokai set foot, promising his father he'd bring back his brother, regardless how long it took.

Missing nin Arc: 3yrs had passed since naizu took off in search to better himself as a ninja, and as he'd wished he'd improved to a higher level than one could hope. But during a training excercise one day, he found himself looking in on two shinobi battling. The movements, the appearence, the eyes, one of the shinobi he knew. It was his brother morbokai, fighting for his life. Morbokai had also improved a lot sense the two last saw each other but he was no match for this jounin. As the younger sibling swung, he was kicked fiercly through two trees and slammed into a third. As the jounin approached the still dazed brother for a final atack, naizu appeared, right infront of him. As morbokai came to his senses, he saw the enemy literally being dug into without being touched. This man in front of him, he knew it was his brother, but how much stronger had he gotten to do this type of damage? As the shinobi fell to the ground the younger sibbling sprang up, embracing the elder tightly. For hours the two traded stories and naizu explained why he left. "So you'll come back to the cloud"? he asked afterward. "No, not yet, but soon. Now head back home and tell father I'm ok". After that, with out a goodbye, the air got warm and steamy, everything was fogged, and when it dissapated, Naizu was gone, again.

Rp Sample: "Hmmph, you call yourself a ninja"? Naizu questions an opposing ninja during battle. "You're a disgrace to those of us who put everything on the line". (Naizu forms hand seals)"water style wolf pack explosion". Shinobi races to the highest limb of a tree,(forms seals)"Your pups can't get me up here and you're right in range, lightning sty...", (area gets foggy and warm)"what is this"? the shinobi says. Naizu:"This is what you call the end". Shinoboi:"its so hot,where are you" (turns around) Naizu"Right here" (Oakegan insues), Shinobi:"aaaahhhhhhh"""
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PostSubject: Re: Naizu Nimakee   Naizu Nimakee Icon_minitimeTue Sep 22, 2009 8:19 am

If you really want to be a Missing Nin/Jounin then make your rp sample longer and more detailed.
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Location : in a tree.

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PostSubject: Re: Naizu Nimakee   Naizu Nimakee Icon_minitimeTue Sep 22, 2009 2:26 pm

sorry but all missing nin has been locked untill we get the villages stronger
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PostSubject: Re: Naizu Nimakee   Naizu Nimakee Icon_minitimeTue Sep 22, 2009 5:00 pm

I want to be jounin_ I ha e a missing nin arc because it was past for he left to train on his own and came back to his home land in kumo
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Location : in a tree.

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PostSubject: Re: Naizu Nimakee   Naizu Nimakee Icon_minitimeTue Sep 22, 2009 5:01 pm

ok but Kitaro closed all the villages but the leaf (i dont know why so don't ask please)
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PostSubject: Re: Naizu Nimakee   Naizu Nimakee Icon_minitime

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