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 two on two COME AND GET SOME O.o

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two on two COME AND GET SOME O.o Empty
PostSubject: two on two COME AND GET SOME O.o   two on two COME AND GET SOME O.o Icon_minitimeMon Sep 21, 2009 4:59 pm

Riuku was walking in the out side of the mist village because he was wanting to kill the kage there. He also was hoping that somone elss was with him so that way he could have even more fun. Riuku had his sharingan eye on and was walking in the village. Riuku cut the wall of a house in the village with his sword and it was now on fire. Riuku was still runing around the village and was cuting parts of the villages. The hole village was on fire now. Riuku was geting overwelmed by the jounin there but they were no problem to him. Riuku killed them all. He was still walking in the village with his sword in his hand. Riuku looked at the sky. "COME ON OUT KAGE! IM WAITING FOR YOU!!!!" Riuku said. He poped his neck. "THIS GUYS HERE ARE NOT DOING A THING TO ME. YOU CAN DO BETTER THAT THAT CAN'T YOU?" Riuku asked. He was yelling at the sky. Riuku looked all around. No kage. Riuku looked at his side and a kunai was flying to him. Riuku grabed the kunai and looked at were it was coming from. A Man jumped out. He was in the ANBU. Riuku looked at him with a smile. "come on, show me what the anbu can do here." Riuku said. The man ran after Riuku and pulled out his blade. Riuku put his blade in the way and cut his sword in half. Riuku cut the man also in half and kicked his body away. Riuku looked at the sky and now waits for the kage to show his face.

Last edited by Riuku on Tue Sep 22, 2009 3:07 pm; edited 1 time in total
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two on two COME AND GET SOME O.o Empty
PostSubject: Re: two on two COME AND GET SOME O.o   two on two COME AND GET SOME O.o Icon_minitimeMon Sep 21, 2009 5:36 pm

Mezuki ran through his village as fast as he could seeing the destruction that the man had cause and all the dead shinobi. Mezuki did not expect a sudden attack on his village and had gone out for a short stroll but it was interuped when he saw smoke coming from his village. He removed his kage outfit to show his fighting suit before he began to run multiple kunai in hand his suchici activated to its first stage ready to attack. Finally arrived at the enemy before he could even think he threw the kunai at him looking around at the destruction he saw one anbu that had not been injured and also the fastest anbu he had. Mezuki pointed at him and threw him a scroll that had a distress call for the tsuchikage on it. The anbu quickly ran out of the village heading towards iwagakure to give him the scroll. Mezuki knew he could hold off the ninja but being that he was an s-ranked missing ninja or akatsuki he had no idea if he could defeat him alone.

Name: Suchici First Stage: Elemental Mastery
Rank: D
Type: Doujtusu
Description: This stage changes the eye turns from an all white to a spiral pupil the color depending on the element being used. While using this stage the person can manipulate their element equal to the jutsu that the rank below them can preform just by moving their hands and without using as much chakra as a jutsu would.
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Null abarada
Null abarada

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two on two COME AND GET SOME O.o Empty
PostSubject: Re: two on two COME AND GET SOME O.o   two on two COME AND GET SOME O.o Icon_minitimeMon Sep 21, 2009 5:59 pm

Null was having a good day going through some paper work, which was abnormally short today. He had one of his training pups in his office chewing on a recently given bone. Null stood up now done with his paper work, Null walked over to the gnawing pup he walked over and patted the pooches head opening the door " come on get out now your slobering all over the new carpet". Null said smileing, the dog walked off Null following hearing a rustle in the main lobby. "what's going on" Null wondered to himself. He walked swiftly to see a well knowned Anbu from the Mist village.

The main lobbies body guards were holding him back not letting him run back to Null's office. All the body guards looked at Null, Null told them to all let him go. They did as he walked forward to the anbu when he noticed the scroll he was holding and noticed the distress symbol on the very top. "distress, i better hurry" Null said walking very fast outside his building with the anbu following him. " Anubis, Sephy" Null shouted as two of his scout wolves that were the fastest flyers. "Anubis you will fly me, Sephy you will fly the anbu" Null said looking at the Anbu. "lets go" Null said jumping on Anubis waqtching the Anbu jumping on sephy as they took off for the mist village. "lets fly dogs"! Null said as the dogs took off to the sky.


Name: Anubis
Gender: male
Spiecies name: Winged Wolf
Special Characteristics: Golden markings
Discription: Anubis is a scout, a scout is pretty much the police of werewolves/wolf tribe. A scout will find an opponent and gather info, or they will seige a barraging attack submitting the opponent and bringing it back to Null. Anubis has a blinding light that blinds the opponent.


Name: Sephy
gender: female
spiecies name: Winged wolf
Special characteristics: purple wings, and purple markings.
Discription: Sephy is a scout and carries the job of a scout aswell, her barraging attack is an alarmingly loud bark, that is so loud that it can make the opponent deaf causing them to be distracted while the wolf submits them.

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Akatsuki leader

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two on two COME AND GET SOME O.o Empty
PostSubject: Re: two on two COME AND GET SOME O.o   two on two COME AND GET SOME O.o Icon_minitimeMon Sep 21, 2009 7:48 pm

(Riuku told me to join and Noob i think he told you that to)

Hell relm showed up at the mist village. The air was thick with the blood of the inoccent. " You've been working." said Hell. Hell looked around and seen the cut in half. " are you serious? Was it needed? " tisking at thew dead body. Hell looked at the inferior village and seen a villager running from him. Hell popped up in front of the villager. He grabbed the villager by the throat. Hell then procceded to crush the throat pipe in. Hell pulled out the his wind pipe. Afterwards Hell fidled with it in his hands and then puts it away. Hell stepped forward towards Riuku " So are we killing the kage today? "

Hell looked at the burning village and thought " this is beautiful, what a wonderful sight" Hell pulled out a kunia and cut a peice of dirt out of the ground. Hell then used the dirt to throw at the fire being bored. Hell then sees in the distance the kage. " There he is " said Hell. Hell then stepped to Riuku. With the fire in the air and the heat radiating off the dead bodies. Hell licked his lips. " I've tasted the blood of your people, now it's time to taste yours" Hell then used his kunia and through it at the kage. In the middle of flight the kunia turned into a log. "Let's see how good you are."

( Unkown to Noob the log had a pressure plate that will explode if contacted.)
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Location : in a tree.

two on two COME AND GET SOME O.o Empty
PostSubject: Re: two on two COME AND GET SOME O.o   two on two COME AND GET SOME O.o Icon_minitimeSun Sep 27, 2009 6:24 pm

(posting order me,noob,ura,then null)

Riuku looked at the Kage that was standing there looking at the site of what he did. Riuku smiled. "Do you like it? I did it all by myself." Riuku said with a slite laugh after he said that. Riuku then heared a sound. He looked at were it was coming from and it was Pain. Riuku smiled. "Well now i was waiting for you. Were have you been?" Riuku looked at him and after he spoke of the ANBU member that he killed. Riuku looked at the body and back at Pain. then back to the body and againg back to Pain. Riuku pointed his finger at him. "Well...he started it." Riuku said in a little kids voice. Riuku laughed and poped his neck. Riuku terned back at the kage and bowed. "It's nice to meet you mr.kage. Now, i gess that you all ready know who i am and if you dont then my name is Riuku Uchiha. What is yours?" Riuku asked in a calm voice. he pointed his sword at him. "Now, i gess your next in line. Lets have some fun and hopfully your not like that ANBU guy over there. Or this will be short." Riuku said.

Riuku put his sword away and looked at him with his sharingan eyes and in his eyes was the reflection of the kage looking at him. Riuku put his hand on the back of his neck and rubed it from side to side. "That's the spot. Now, lets get this thing over with." Riuku said and poped up next to the kage. Riuku put his hand out and went to punch him in the side of his neck and then showed up next to Pain again. Riuku put his hand on his shoulder. "this should be fun." Riuku said. "One ANBU left just a little bit ago so someone should show up for you soon." Riuku said and pulled out three kunai and threw them at him with grate force. Riuku now waits for him to do somthing
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two on two COME AND GET SOME O.o Empty
PostSubject: Re: two on two COME AND GET SOME O.o   two on two COME AND GET SOME O.o Icon_minitimeWed Sep 30, 2009 9:33 pm

Mezuki smirked stomping the ground his spiral eyes turning brown and spinning as a wall of earth came up to block the wood that later exploded. Mezuki then heard name of the missing ninja and forced his eyes onto his chest to avoid the genjutsu that the uchiha used involving eye contact. As the missing ninja named riuku disappeared and reappeared next to him he ducked to dodge the punch and jumped back waving his hand to counter the kunais with rocks. Mezuki quickly preformed handsigns the flaming houses and the bodies being covered by hard earth and boulders. Mezuki then smiled he knew he was in his favorite type of arena. Mezuki pulled the large fan from his back and opened it revealing the large dragon on it. Mezuki's spiraling eyes turned green as he swing his giant fan into the air sending a tornado into the sky. Closing the fan and putting it on his back his eyes then brown again as he stomped launching rocks above the two missing ninja and crushing them. Just as he did a large tornado came down onto their hands sucking in the crushed rocks to make a sand storm.

Name: Wasteland Summoning Jutsu
Rank: B
Element Earth
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Description: When this jutsu is activated the terrain turns into a barren wasteland the only thing that is visable around are the large boulders that were created from the jutsu. The grass around has died leaving only the earth itself on the ground.

Tatsu no Ooshigoto - Dragon\'s Big Job
Rank: -
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m), Mid (5m ~ 10m), Far (10m+)
Type: Attack
Fuuton • Tatsu no Ooshigoto is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Wind Element. Mezuki will swing his fan into the air, causing the sky to grow dark and stormy. These clouds will create a cutting tornado that will drop down on top of her target.
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PostSubject: Re: two on two COME AND GET SOME O.o   two on two COME AND GET SOME O.o Icon_minitime

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