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 Null (added curse mark)

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Null abarada
Null abarada

Posts : 15
Join date : 2009-09-16
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Null (added curse mark) Empty
PostSubject: Null (added curse mark)   Null (added curse mark) Icon_minitimeSun Sep 20, 2009 8:08 pm

Name: Null Abarada
Age: 27
Weight: 135
Height: 6'2
Carried Items: Always carries Kunai's shurikens all explosives and non explosives.
Special Characteristics physically:Spoiler:

Village or Ex Village(s):Earth Village
Rank: Tsuchikage

Clan Info

Custom Clan: Abarada Clan

Clan Symbol: Spoiler:

KKG: This clan has the ability to summon animals, bugs, dinosaurs, and dragons. They have full manipulation of these beasts. They do not shed blood or use chakra to create these beasts. The Abarada clan's summoning is there greatest power, letting them not perform any jutsus. The abarada clan usually has a beast with them at all times.

Clan History: Null was always a good kid in school. And his parents noticed that, his mom was a medical ninja, and his dad was a beast master his dad was no regular beast master he was the first of the clan that could manipulate and summon them at his will as well, all the members of the clan had clawmarks on there body, bestowed when they became part of the clan. He liked the animals and beasts that his dad trained and mastered. Null spent every day after school training and playing with the animals. He one day realized that he loved to protect others especially animals and beasts so he made told his father he was ready to be bestowed the mark and become apart of the abarada clan. Many animals includeing dinosaurs and dragons circled Nulll as he saw red claw marks begin to appear on his left chest. Null then knew he was now apart of the Abarada clan.

Ability Info
Elements: Earth, water fire, and wind.
Specialties: Nin, gen, tai, and weaponry.
Genin can have up to C ranks
Chunin can have up to B ranks
Jounin can have A ranks with 2 S ranks
Anbu can have A ranks with 4 S ranks
Kage's can have any kind of jutsu with a limit of 10 S ranks
Missing Nin can have up to A ranks with 3 S ranks
Akatsuki can have up to A ranks with 3 S ranks
Akatsuki leader can have up to S ranks
SAnin can have up to A ranks with 5 S ranks

Name: Ultimate protection
Description:Null does a handsign that creates a giant earthern shell around any area, and anysize with no weakness at all. If opponents get 25ft in range giant earth spikes will come out scuering anything in its path.


Academy Arc: Null was a great kid, and always wanted to help out his friends. He loved doing his work and makeing sure he did a good job. He loved to come home and show his mom and dad that he did good on a test or quiz in which he always did. His lifelong goal was to become the tsuchikage and everybody knew that. He would always tell the teacher that when he grew up he wanted to become the Tsuchikage.

Gennin arc: Null Was officially assigned his team when he became a Gennin, they were both girls. Null didn't mind. He liked protecting people and he felt that anybody should be protected. He was assigned his first mission the day after he became a Gennin. They were assigned to kill a small group of rivals that were planning on attacking the earth village. Before the girls could make an attack they were hit back not being able to fight, Null put the two girls in a safe spot and put two tigers in front of them that guarded them. Null attacked full force with some of his summons and disposed of the other group in little time.

Chuunin Arc: For Null it was time for the chuunin exams. He went up against a extreme taijutsu shinobi. Null thought that the fast taijutsu user was gonna break through and get to Null. Null knew that the Tsuchikage was watching and needed to prove to him that he was good enough to be a tsuchikage. So when the proctor came out, Null was stareing dead at the opponent and knew that this was his shot and he needed to take full advantage of that. As soon as the proctor said begin Null summoned many beasts that made sure that the taijutsu user could not lay a finger on him. Null chuckled when the opponent jumped in the air bringing his hand to his waist and retrieving a kunai about to throw it at Null. The opponents face definetly showed that he wanted to know why Null was smirking and as soon as he cocked back his arm a large dragon grasped the opponents arm with sharp teeth makeing the opponent drop th kunai. The dragon flew a tad bit higher when he sent the wounded shinobi flying towarsds the ground. The shinobi couldnt do anything but accept defeat as he hit the ground passing out imediately. Null turned to the Tsuchikage watching him nod his head and proceeded to his office. Null left seeing the proctor call the match with the win going to Null without a doubt.

Jounin arc: Null did a great job as a chuunin, and did great at any task given. The tsuchikage saw that and one day gave word that Null was needed at his office for a promotion to jounin. Null was extremely extatic when he got word so he quickly ran to the tsuchikages office with great speed. Once he reached the building in which held the Tsuchikages office he calmed down. And made sure that he didnt know he was so eager and childish, which he wasnt but he did when he was excited. He got inside the giant building feeling a cool breeze on his face feeling great on his face that had some sweat on it. Null walked forward and finally found a door that was larger then the rest he knocked on it as the Tsuchikage walked out and invited him in. The Tsuchikage told him that he was going to be promoted to jounin, but the Tsuchikage was in dire need of a new Tsuchikage, due to prior engagememnts of becomeing a different kage leader that really need his great leader ship skills. Null began to smile as the Tsuchikage began to talk again, Null quickly took away his smile. The Tsuchikage granted Null the position of Tsuchikage due to Null's grat leadership skills and he knew that Null was the right choice. The tsuchikage did that because he knew he was way better then a jounin and leaded better then any jounin. So Null was a Jounin for a second and was immediatly granted tsuchikage position to Null. Null was extatic as the Tsuchikage got up telling Null that the chair was all his. Null took his seat as the new Tsuchikage.

Kage Arc: Null was a great tsuchikage and made sure that all of his villagers were in perfect conditions at all time. Null had great leader ship skills as the old Tsuchikage predicted. Null was attacked at one point of being a Tsuchikage. Null first made sure that every body in the village was alright and then put up many off his beasts outside of his village makeing sure that even the village walls were touched. Null knew that he would carry on to be a great Tsuchikage, and even hired two assistants that aided him with any of his needs which were mostly paperworks and random stuff like that. The new Tsuchikage was great at everything that he did, just like he always was.

Rp Sample only required for Jounin/Anbu/Kage/Missing Ninja/Akatsuki/Sanin
Rp Sample:Null sat at his desk with the feeling of disturbance, when all of a sudden his door swung open faster then it ever had before. The presence that caused the movement of the door was one of the villages medical ninjas, " What brings you here today, and in a hurry i might add" Null said as he faced the medical ninja properly. "An intruder is making his way to our village at a vigarous speed, the man has already killed one of our ninjas that went out to question the unknown mans buisness" the medical ninja said out of breath. Null stood up and looked directly in the eyes of the medical ninja "quickly inform the others to close the gates now, and make sure they have the cross bows at the ready" said Null waith a bit of franticness in his voice. "You will give the orders to shoot, as soon as he is in range" Null added this time with more confidence. "Yes sir" said the medical ninja scared that he had all that responsibilty at one time. The medical ninja quickly left closing the doors behind him. " Dont worry i have faith in you" said Null after looking at the timid look of the medical ninjas face after the orders.


Name: Sinister Keaper
Effect: This curse mark gives Null incredible speed mok 4 to be exact. In this stage Null feels no pain (not saying that it doesent hurt him, Null just doesent feel it). Null can heal non death giveing wounds very quickly. Null's Taijutsu begins to be incredibly enhanced, if an a opponent is struck by Null's force in the same spot more then 5 times the limb or body part begins to become limp falling asleep, and with even more punches the limb will become tottally paralyzed for 17 posts, if asleep it stays asleep for 7 posts. Null makes tactical blows when the curse mark appears meaning that he fights but he fights really smart being able to dodge even the most barraging attacks. Null has super human strength 10 times stronger then he usually is. Null begins a transformation with the curse mark beggining to come up on the arms of Null, Null's hair begins to turn white as his clothes begin to shread off as he gets bigger and bigger. Null's curse marke then goes all over the place turning him a dark black color. Null's head begins to sprout horns that get bigger as null transforms. Null's final out come is a 10 ft demon that has giant muscles, the final outcome also bursts out of a large flame. Null's voice is very very deep as well.

Start of Transformation:

End of transformation:

Curse mark:
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Join date : 2009-05-21
Location : in a tree.

Null (added curse mark) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Null (added curse mark)   Null (added curse mark) Icon_minitimeMon Sep 21, 2009 2:30 pm

ok approved
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