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 Tenshin Nara (WIP)

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Tenshin Nara
Anbu Leader

Posts : 5
Join date : 2009-09-19

Tenshin Nara (WIP) Empty
PostSubject: Tenshin Nara (WIP)   Tenshin Nara (WIP) Icon_minitimeSat Sep 19, 2009 7:39 pm


Name: Tenshin Nara
Age: 25
Weight: 165
Height: 6'2
Carried Items: (Add later)
Special Characteristics physically: 8 tailed bijuu (If allowed), Chakra reserve and great speed.
Village or Ex Village(s): Sunagakure Konohagakure (Takes missions from all Villages)
Rank: Anbu Leader

Clan Info
Cannon Clan
Name: Nara
Abilities: This clan from Konoha Village is known for its ability to manipulate their shadow. Utilizing this ability the clan member can attach their shadow to the shadow of another individual, and then take control of the user. Resulting in the affected person replicating or "shadowing" the exact movements in mirror form of the clan member.
Symbol: (Later)
History: (Dont think Nara has a History)

Ability Info
Elements: Lightning,Fire, Plasma

Specialties: Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, and Weaponry


Another post



Child: Tenshin was born from a missing ninja from Konohagakure, and a jounin of Sunagakure. Tenshin mother and father wa secretly in love and even do it was against the rules for a jounin to be in love with a missing ninja she still was. His father Tenshin Nara II, was a great man but became missing because the Hokage tryed to stop his relationship with a Sungakure Jounin. Tenshin Nara III, was born a year later, and with in a month of being a baby was insealed with a bijuu, the 8 tailed to be exact, but the kid was on a were for hs mother an father came to a agree ment not to tell him tell he was a chuunin. He grew at a fast paist and with that his Knowlege grown as will. Tenshin mother, Revy Izuma then placed him in a School to become a ninja.

Academy Student: Tenshin passed his classmate due to his wisdom. Tensin was realy bored and sometimes pulled pranks on other student. The Day Tenshin exam came to become a Genin he passed with flying colors, but when he came home to show the good news with his mother and father, He came into a trashed home, Tenhin constantly called out for his mother and father. Wearing his new Genin Headband. Tenshin couldn't find them, Tenshin then fell to the floor and started to cry as he did he fell into a secret room, Tenshin then went searching for his mother and father in this room and found them, They was laying there dead on the floor. Tenshin ran toward there soul less body and started to cry some more, laying ontop of them crying his heart out. A jounin who said to be friends with Tenshin father came into the room to find Tenshin sleeping on to dead bodies. The Jounin woke him up tellig him his name was Kitaro and a friend of hs father. The man then took the two bodies and placed it on his shoulders then vanished and placed the bodies out side. He came back and got Tenshin. Tenshin still crying, then at the corner of his eyes Tenshin then seen a Akatsuki robe laying in a corner and swore vengence apon them, before Kitaro took him out the room. A few weeks later a funeral was held for the two star cros lovers and both Hokage, and Kazekage attended. Tenshin stood at the foot of both Caskets wih Kitaro standing behind him. A day later Tenshin went with Kitaro back to Konoha with a new Konoha headband and was going to live with him tell he was old enough to protect himself.

Genin: A month has passed since the Death of both his parents died yet he still had the image of there bodies and akatsuki robe sealed in his head, repeating itself every day and night, like a broken record. Tenshin trained hard with Kitaro everyday, learning new jutsu and skills, and even learning his basic Nara clan Jutsu on his own with Kitaro watching. enshin was a hard working trying to for fell his goal of Revenge but even do he didnt tell Kitaro of this plan . Kittaro knew what he was goin to do and still trained him for that day anyways. Kitaro continuesly kept saying to Tenshin "When the day comes don't be so reckless, for it might in bad." Tenshin never got what that said do, soon about five years late Tenshin was 17 and was a Chuunin of the village known as Konoha.

Chuunin: As a chuunin Tenshin was tough kid to fight every mision he went on by himself he passed without a sweat. One day Tenshin then came across, an Missing ninja who was a S rank mising ninja he had a ring on showing he was Akatsuki but without the robe Tenshin didnt know who he was. Tenshin then fault the man and it seem to be a hard man to fight. The man seem to be very strong and he just laughed at Tenshin weakness. He asked Tenshin whats his name Tenshin told him and then the man laugh and started to talk about Tenshin parents, Tenshin got mad and then the man continued and told them the story of there death and how it was fun to watch. Tenshin got mad and a whi Chakra serged out his body cover his whole body. Then chakra tail was sen and Tenshin looked up with bloodshot eyes pissed as hell and was the first time his bijuu was awaken. Tenshin came at the man full force and started to fight him once more. The man became scared and was un aware he was a bijuu holder. Tenshin then slotter him with in a few second but his anger grew and Tenshin became a 3 tailed Bijuu mode. Kitaro showed up and battle Tenshin and won stopin his bijuu powers without even lefting a finger to do jutsus, he just spoke to him trying to calm him down then he placed a seal on him resealing the bijuu powers turning Tenshin back to normal and watched as his body passed out. Kitaro placed Tenshin restless body over his shoulder then looked at the dead Akatsuki member an took Tenshin back to the Village. Anbu then arrived a few hours later with the Dead Akatsuki member. Kitaro was told by the Hokage to make sure Tenshin became a jounin for this but to also talk to him about that bijuu within him for it was time he found out. Ktaro nodded and told Tenshin everything, when he woke up three days later.

Jounin: Tenshin was a jounin known and new all of Nara clan jutsu's and the bijuu powers and how to control it. The day Tenshin was known 20 and was able to live on his own. Tenshin shook hads with Kitaro gathering all his stuff and told Kitaro he be back in do time stronger then ever and he thanked Kitaro for his Teaching. Kitaro gave hima scroll before he left it was a jutsu Scroll to learn Chidori. Tenshin thank him for his gift and then walked away. Heading back to Sunagakure. When Tenshin arrived the Kazekage awaitedfor him at he gates, and welcome him back, He then asked Tenshin to live in a mansion close to the Kazekage building. Tenshin refused and asked if he can stay in his old house that he styed in before his parents died. The Kazekage respected his offer and repaired the house then gave the keys to Tenshin and Tenshin then went inside and looked at all the old stuff in there and remember the memories he had, Tenshin also went into the Secret Room and found new stuff in there and also old , and Tenshin remember his parents body on the floor. A few years has passed and Tenshin was 25 now working hard as a jounin and then the Kazekage came to him once more asking him to take the position as Anbu leader. Tenshin accepted. The Kage then gave him Anbu clothes and a Mask and Tenshin took it and went home.

Anbu: Its been six months Since Tenshin became an Anbu leader and he been running his Anbu members with good will and power. Tenshin was also seding leters to Kitaro and the last letter he sent was "I see you in a few days. Old friend / Sensei" Tenshin then packed his bags and begin to walk heading towards Konoha. (This is the part where the story takes place.)

Rp Sample only required for Jounin/Anbu/Kage/Missing Ninja/Akatsuki/Sanin
Rp Sample: To lazyto make one due to the History so here, and No not my best. (I am Tenshin Nara if you didnt know):

Last edited by Tenshin Nara on Sat Sep 19, 2009 8:16 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Tenshin Nara
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PostSubject: Re: Tenshin Nara (WIP)   Tenshin Nara (WIP) Icon_minitimeSat Sep 19, 2009 8:01 pm

Name: Head Hunters Assault
Rank: B
Element: N/A
Description: The user would gather chakra throughout his body. He would tap the ground with his foot three times, as he does this he will disappear under ground. While under ground he would send a chakra wave through the ground so he could locate the enemy. Once located he would grab the users legs and pull them underground to the point where there heads would be the only thing visible above ground, but sometimes Tenshin uses it to sneak up on people.

Name: Shadow Clone Tag
Rank: A
Element: None
Description: First the user has to perform the hand signs, At first it wont look like nothing happened but once the enemy trys to attack it will appear as a shadow clone and the real user would be somewhere in the area.

Name: Flame Flicker
Rank: B
Element: Fire
Description: The user would gather chakra into there finger tips. If the user where to snap there fingers a small black flame would spark out and bounce on the floor. If an enemy or an object where to touch the flame it would instantly ctach a flame.

Jutsu Name: TarenKen
Rank: B
Element: None
Description: TarenKen is a Taijutsu technique utilized by Tenshin. Using his body's quick speed, Tenshin will move his arm to multiple locations during each strike. This allows a higher spread of damage to the area targeted.

Jutsu Name: Bunshin Bakuha
RanK: A
Element: None
Description: Bunshin Bakuha is a Ninjutsu technique utilized by Uchiha Tenshini. At first glance the clone appears to be a normal Kage Bunshin, but Tenshin can detonate the clone at any time to form a very large explosion.

Jutsu Name: Raiton Kage Bunshin no Jutsu
Rank: B
Element: Lightining
Description: Raiton Kage Bunshin no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique that utilizes lightning to create a Kage Bunshin clone. Because it is a Kage Bunshin, the Raiton version shares the ability to interact with the environment due to it having physical substance. This allows the clone to carry out limited attacks on its target. If the Raiton Kage Bunshin is injured, the clone will revert into its natural lightning state. Like in other Lightning Element attacks, should the target come into contact with the electricity, they will be momentarily stunned.

Justu Name: Swirling Fire Tornado
Rank: C
Element: Fire
Description: After the user finishes a string of handseals a large spinning wall of fire will surround the user and up to 5 enemies. The fire holds everyone intact inside. The fire prevents all escape including underground.

Justu Name: Sword Of Fire
Rank: C
Element: Fire
Description: After the user does a string of hand signs and thrusts a sword into the ground a large wall of fire will emerge around an opponent. The fire can not be frozen or destroyed by water.

Jutsu Name: Flaming Energy Bomb
Rank: B
Element: Fire
Description: After hand signs have been finished the users chakra will emit a glowing ball of energy made of pure flames and chakra. After emitted the ball of energy will explode sending out long strokes of flames, the more chakra the more explosion and flames.

Justu Name: Katana Clones no justu
Rank: C
Element: Fire
Description: After the user finishes a string of hand signs and opens thier fist the users Katana will make 9 clones of it self. The clones and original dive after a enemy then explode when the user closes their fist.

Justu Name: Rampaging Speed
Element: N/A
Rank: A
Description: The user will charge up their chakra at intense levels then let it all out at once. The user will burst into speed and will charge at the opponent. The user will use various strikes towards the opponent. First uppercutting them into the sky, then leaping into the air and kicking them in their gut and finally spinning their other leg into the opponent's face sky rocketing the opponent to teh ground.

Justu: Sword Destruction no justu
Rank: C
Element: N/A
Description: After emitting chakra into a blade the user will do a string of handsigns. After that is finished the user will force thier sword into the ground. The sword will explode into thousands of sharp mini blades like shards of glass. The user can direct them with a simple point or throw of a kunai. The shards last for about 2 minutes then they reform back into the sword.

Justu Name: Phantom Tracking
Rank: D
Element: N/A
Description: The user uses a weapon to charge his energy out into the open. The energy changes the users vision into black and white. Any ninja will be a light blue. Thus making the ninja visible.

Name: 6 deadly Strikes
Rank: A-S
Element: Lightning
Description: Six Deadly Strikes is a Ninjutsu technique developed by Tenshin. Tenshin will first launch fireballs into the sky above using his Gouryuuka jutsu. These fireballs will warm the atmosphere and create a powerful rising air current, which in turn generates thunderclouds. Tenshin will then create five shadow clones and have them draw there sword and put lightning chakra into the blade and then raise it into the air, because he is merely channeling the naturally created lightning, he is able to utilize a power greater than what a ninja could create with their own elemental chakra. Tenshin and his shadow clones will then suround the Ninja jump in the air and slash at the target creating a wave of the natural lightning, Because this is also natural lightning, it will travel more quickly than any ninja could dodge. Upon calling down the lightning, it will create a powerful impact with a large amount of destruction. (Twice for a battle once without bijuu once with bijuu)

Name: Rairyuu no Tatsumaki (Lightning Dragon Tornado)
Rank: B
Element: Lightning
Description:Ninpou: Rairyuu no Tatsumaki is a Ninjutsu technique used by Tenshin. One of Tenshin's many lightning based jutsu, this technique is used with his sword. Drawing his sword, Tenshin will raise it into the air and draw lightning down upon his body. The current will be contained within and around Tenshin's form. He will then begin to spin in place forming a whirling vortex of wind and electricity. The vortex will take on the form of a dragon and strike out against his opponent. Even if the attack doesn't directly connect with his foe, the lightning can jump from the vortex to hit a nearby target.

Name: Raigeki no Yoroi (Lightning Strike Armor)
Rank: B
Element: Lightning
Description: Raigeki no Yoroi is a Ninjutsu technique used by Tenshin. One of Tenshin's many lightning based jutsu, this technique is used in with his sword. Drawing his sword, Tenshin will spin the blade to generate a disk of lightning which will then pour down to cover his body and his sword. This electricity will envelope his body in a protective armor which will harm anyone who dares strike him directly.

Jutsu Name: Dragon Fist Bullet (Ryukendan)
Rank: S
Element: Plasma
Description: A technique developed by Tenshin, as the user throws a punch towards the opponent and builds up momentum a dragon shaped mass of plasma gathers on the the users fist and is used to punch the opponent, or can be released for a projectile attack (If it connects, it engulfs the opponent in Plasma burning them to death). The technique requires momentum and great chakra control.

Name: Plasma Clone Jutsu
Rank: S
Element: Plasma
Description: Using the Plasma element, the user can form a clone made out of plasma. The clone is capable of using plasma jutsu. Anyone who touches the clone will be erased from Life. William Zatchi is shown using a sub-version where the clone can repair itself, and can use it's own body as a source for plasma jutsu. The clone is also very fast. ( Can be destroyed by Jutsus with the same rank. twice normal, Twice with bijuu)

Name: Ion Claw Technique
Rank: B
Element: Plasma
Description: The user forms large claw shaped projections of plasma around their hands/fists. These can be used to slash opponents and they can cut through most organic material, but they have trouble cutting through some chakra enhanced metals and Chakra Armor.

Name: Plasma Barrage Technique
Rank: C
Element: Plasma
Description: Tenshin fires a ball of super hot plasma that splits into many smaller more concentrated balls of plasma, and spreads out in all directions. This will cause the area around them to burn and dry up.

Jutsu Name: Kokuangyou no Jutsu
Rank: A
Element: N/A
Description: Kokuangyou no Jutsu is a Genjutsu technique which causes the ninja's opponent to be enveloped in total darkness. While in the black void, the ninja will be unable to see any incoming attack or threat.

Jutsu Name: Lightning Wolf
Rank: A
Element: lightning
Description: This unnamed Ninjutsu technique utilizes the Lightning Element. After creating Raiton in his hand, Tenshin will send out a wolf made of lightning to attack his target. Lightning will run from Tenshin's hand to the wolf itself, limiting its range.

Jutsu Name: Shichuu Shibari (Four Pillar Binding)
Rank: A
Element: Lightning
Description: Shichuu Shibari is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Lightning Element. To utilize this technique, Tenshin will form the needed hand seal. Four large earthen pillars will rise to surround the target summon. Lightning will then be unleashed to stun the target. This will be the second attack in an elemental trio used by the ANBU. First will be Fuuton • Kazekiri to cut and immobilize the target. Then Shichuu Shibari is used. Finally Doton • Otoshi Buta to imprison the summon in a gigantic sealed pot.

Jutsu Name: Gian
Rank: B
Element: Lightning
Description: Gian is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Lightning Element. After releasing his Lightning elemental from his body, Tenshin will use the spirit to release a strong bolt of electricity from his mouth. This strong attack can be defended against by an equally strong attack of the same element such as Raikiri.

Jutsu Name: Capture Jutsu
Rank: A
Elements: Wind/ Lightning/Earth
Description: Fuuton • Kazekiri no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Wind Element. To utilize this technique, the ANBU member will form the needed hand seal. A large slicing wind will then be created which can cut through his opponent. This can be used to immobilize large summons. This will be the initial attack in an elemental trio used by the ANBU. It will be followed by Raiton • Shichuu Shibari to stun and trap the target and finally Doton • Otoshi Buta to imprison the summon in a gigantic sealed pot.

Shichuu Shibari is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Lightning Element. To utilize this technique, Tenshin will form the needed hand seal. Four large earthen pillars will rise to surround the target summon. Lightning will then be unleashed to stun the target. This will be the second attack in an elemental trio used by the ANBU. First will be Fuuton • Kazekiri to cut and immobilize the target. Then Shichuu Shibari is used. Finally Doton • Otoshi Buta to imprison the summon in a gigantic sealed pot.

Doton • Otoshi Buta is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Earth Element. To utilize this technique, the ANBU member will form the needed hand seal. A large earthen pot will then fall from the sky to cover and contain the target summon. A powerful enough summon will be able to overturn the pot and escape. This will be the final attack in an elemental trio used by the ANBU. First will be Fuuton • Kazekiri to cut and immobilize the target. Then Raiton • Shichuu Shibari is used to stun and trap the target. Finally Otoshi Buta is called forth to imprison the target.
(Still looking for two Anbu members with Earth so we can use it)
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Tenshin Nara
Anbu Leader

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Join date : 2009-09-19

Tenshin Nara (WIP) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tenshin Nara (WIP)   Tenshin Nara (WIP) Icon_minitimeSat Sep 19, 2009 8:06 pm

Justu Name: Chakra Drain
Rank: A
Element: N/A
Descrption: Tenshin well start by sitting on the ground and meditate. This will allow Tenshin to gain chakra from all living things around him and use it to his well. Tenshin mostly use this jutsu to gain chakra during a fight. If Tenshin has some one around him as he does this he has the choice to drain there chakra or let them be. Tenshin uses this with clones, and also sometimes uses the plasma clone to protect him as he does this.(1 to 2 post)

Jutsu Name: Ryuuka no Jutsu
Rank: C
Element: Fire
Description: Ryuuka no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Fire Element. After binding the opponent, the ninja uses a guide wire to unleash a large torrential fire burst onto the target.

Jutsu Name: Goukakyuu no Jutsu
Rank: C
Element: Fire
Description: Goukakyuu no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Fire Element. The ninja does the necessary hand seals, draws chakra from their mouth into their chest and them immediately exhales it. They then blow a stream of fire which erupts into a large sphere of flames. To better manage the flames the ninja will bring their hand to their mouth to control it.

Jutsu Name: Gouryuuka no Jutsu
Rank: B
Element: Fire
Description: Gouryuuka no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Fire Element. After forming the needed hand seals, the ninja will expel dragon head fireballs at their opponent. These powerful fireballs can punch through concrete.

Jutsu Name: Haisekishou
Rank: B
Element: Fire
Description: Haisekishou is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Fire Element. After forming the needed handseals, Asuma will expel an ash from his mouth. This large cloud begin to envelope his foe and when Asuma clicks his teeth, the cloud will ignite in an explosion.

Jutsu Name: Karyuu Endan
Rank: B
Element: Fire
Description: Karyuu Endan is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Fire Element. The ninja does a string of hand seals and the proceeds to blow a large jet of fire from their mouth.

Jutsu Name: Kage Kubi Shibari no Jutsu
Rank: A
Element: None
Description: Kage Kubi Shibari no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique developed by the Nara clan. To perform the technique the clan member will first bind their target using the Kage Mane no Jutsu technique. Once the target can no longer move, they form the needed hand seal to initiate this technique. The clan member uses their shadow to form a hand which will creep up their opponents body to their neck. Once the hand reaches the neck, it will constrict in such a manner so as to strangle the opponent. However, the clan member will need to be careful. If their target has a lot of chakra, they can turn back the shadow hand and prevent it from binding their neck.

Jutsu Name: Kage Mane no Jutsu
Rank: C - B
Element: None
Description: Kage Mane no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique developed by the Nara clan. It's original purpose was as a skill to help delay any pursuers. After forming the needed hand seals, the clan member is able to manipulate their shadow along any surface. By using other nearby shadows they can further extend the reach of their shadow, however they are limited to the surface area of the original cast shadow. Once the clan members shadow reaches the target shadow, it will attach itself. While attached the target will be frozen, only able to replicate in mirror form the actions of the clan member. If the clan member is low on chakra, the Kage Mane will falter and the shadow will return to its normal form.

Jutsu Name: Kage Nui
Rank: C
Element: None
Description: Kage Nui is a Ninjutsu technique developed by the Nara clan. To perform the technique Shikamaru will first form the needed handseal to extend his shadow. Shikamaru will then change the handseal to cause the shadow to emerge from the ground in tendrils. The tendrils can extend and whip about and are strong enough to pierce nearby targets

Jutsu Name: Kage Yose no Jutsu
Rank: S
Element: None
Description: Kage Yose no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique developed by the Nara clan. This technique uses the Kage Nui threads to extend from a Kage Kubi Shibari bound on the body. These threads can then pull an object back towards the one bound. In this case, the shadow thread was used to pull in wire and explosive tags which were surrounding the target. The Kage Nui then sewed the wire into the target, binding them with the wire and lacing them with explosive tags.

Jutsu Name: Kage Mane Shuriken no Jutsu
Rank: C
Element: None
Description: Kage Mane Shuriken no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique developed by the Nara Tenshin. Tenshin can imbue his shadow chakra to create "pins" to stick his opponent in place. This sword absorb the chakra nature of the user and give off the nature's effect. In this case, the sword takes on the Nara clan's shadow binding properties. By implanting the shadow chakra enhanced blade into the shadow of his target, they will be frozen in place; just as if they were caught in one of the clan members extended shadow bindings

Jutsu Name: 100 Punches (Only used while in Bijuu mode)
Rank: A - S
Element: None
Description: Tenshin well first need to borrow some of the Bijuus Chakra. Tenshin well then use the bijuus chakra and his own chakra to make his strength and speed 5x stronger then normal. Tenshin well then move so fast it as if he just used space time jutsu to get from one place to the other. Tenshin then we hit his enemy so fast it is almost as if he got his enemy in the uchihas Tsukuyomi state. Tenshin well hit his enemy 98 times in the face then the last to well be the most power full blows by hitting the enemy in the stomach then hitting him one last time to make them fly far away from him as possible. (Sometimes this move kills people afther the last 2 hits.)

Last edited by Tenshin Nara on Sat Sep 19, 2009 8:15 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Tenshin Nara (WIP)   Tenshin Nara (WIP) Icon_minitimeSat Sep 19, 2009 8:13 pm

Jutsu Name: Raikiri
Rank: S
Element: Lightning
Description: Raikiri is a Ninjutsu technique developed by Hatake Kakashi utilizing the Lightning Element. Chidori allows him to cut through any foe. Later, Uchiha Sasuke used his Sharingan and the training of Kakashi to also learn the technique. It was given the nickname Raikiri after it was said Kakashi used the technique to cut a lightning bolt in two. Chidori is used for assassination purposes. Activating the body to focus chakra to the hand, Kakashi and Sasuke's hand become enveloped by an electrical force. This force is their chakra altered in nature to an electrical current. By altering the shape of the force, similar to an electrical discharge, they can decide the power and range of the attack.
After concentrating all the chakra into the arm, Kakashi and Sasuke use their quickness and the power of the thrust from the chakra to pierce any object with the extended forearm. Because their opponent can easily counter the attack, it requires a Sharingan user to make the technique worthwhile. The Sharingan will allow them to predict any moves their opponent decides to make and send their strike home into the target. Due to the high speed, the force emits a sound like a thousand birds chirping which gave the technique its name. Because of the great amount of chakra needed to utilize the technique, the technique can only be used so many times during the day.

Jutsu Name: Chidori Eisou
Rank: A
Element: Lightning
Description: Chidori Eisou is a Lightning Element technique developed by Uchiha Sasuke. Sasuke is able to shape the Lightning Element to form an extending spear of lightning. Though unstated, this spear probably takes on Chidori's characteristics, including it's ability to cut through anything which stands in its path, allowing the sword to strike its target with ease. This attack may also be similar to Chidori Nagashi, causing the target to go numb from the electrical charge.

Jutsu Name: Chidori Nagashi
Rank: A
Element: Lightning
Description: Chidori Nagashi is a Ninjutsu technique developed by Uchiha Sasuke out of the original Chidori technique. Instead of merely focusing the electrical force to his body, Sasuke is able to extend it outside of his body and through objects which he is holding. This allows him to create a protective zone around his person. This zone of electricity can shock and immobilize his foes, presumably by attacking their nervous system.

Jutsu Name: Chidori Senbon
Rank: A
Element: Lightning
Description: Chidori Senbon is a Lightning Element technique developed by Uchiha Sasuke. Sasuke is able to shape the Lightning Element to form senbon. Though unstated, these needles probably takes on Chidori's characteristics, including it's ability to cut through most anything which stands in its path.

Sorry only kitaro can have thoes jutsus
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PostSubject: Re: Tenshin Nara (WIP)   Tenshin Nara (WIP) Icon_minitimeSat Sep 19, 2009 8:16 pm

ok nice APPOVED!!!!!
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S rank missing Ninja

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PostSubject: Re: Tenshin Nara (WIP)   Tenshin Nara (WIP) Icon_minitimeSat Sep 19, 2009 8:18 pm

WAIT he can't have Chidori, He has to learn it from Kitaro
• It's in the rules I tried
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PostSubject: Re: Tenshin Nara (WIP)   Tenshin Nara (WIP) Icon_minitimeSat Sep 19, 2009 8:22 pm

were is Chidori i dont see it
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S rank missing Ninja

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PostSubject: Re: Tenshin Nara (WIP)   Tenshin Nara (WIP) Icon_minitimeSat Sep 19, 2009 8:23 pm

Chidori forms:

3. only one person can start out with all forms of rasengan,chidori and rinnegan (pains power.) ONLY ONE.
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PostSubject: Re: Tenshin Nara (WIP)   Tenshin Nara (WIP) Icon_minitime

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