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Join date : 2009-09-19

Pesuto Empty
PostSubject: Pesuto   Pesuto Icon_minitimeSat Sep 19, 2009 4:50 pm


Name: Pesuto
Age: 10
Weight: 72 lbs
Height: 4'3
Carried Items:
Special Characteristics physically:


Village or Ex Village(s):
• Kumogakure
Rank: Genin

Clan Info
Cannon Clan
Name: N/A
Abilities: N/A
Symbol: N/A
History: N/A

Custom Clan:

Ability Info
Main: Wind
Sub: Raiton (Will Learn Later)

Main: Ninjutsu
Sub: Chakra Control

• (Another Post)



Child Hood Arc: Pesuto's origins are the result of an experiment designed to create the ultimate biological weapon in existence, a twisted and diseased mass of flesh that eventually resulted in something vaguely humanoid. At the dawn of Sungakure's creation it's scientists, in secret cooperation with rebel factors outside the village, obtained samples of every known poisonous, viral, bacterial, and plague-born disease and infestation. They then injected potent cocktails of all of the samples into multiple fetuses, growing them in test tubes and performing various experiments as to keep them from dying instantly. Out of the entire batch, only Pesuto lived - barely. The diseases that fought for supremacy gave birth to a mutation in the growing fetus itself, causing the body to accept the diseases as it's own creation and to synthesize more, replicating the current diseases and even manufacturing new ones.

A decrepit form, Pesuto's body has been contained since 'birth' in various containers, his physical form always seeming close to death yet never dying. Environmental seals surrounded him, preventing his body from destroying the environment around him but each eventually succumbing to the degeneration of Pesuto, forcing his keepers to change his container infrequently. Yet even with his body constantly destroying that which was around him, Pesuto continued to grow. His body's rapid evolution of poisons and toxins caused him to physically and mentally mature earlier than typical and he swiftly became tall and lanky. As he grew, the scientists that had created him requested Sunagakure artisans to develop equipment to withstand his body's ability, and eventually they were able to create an environmental suit that would adapt to him as well as allow him to control his ability to an extent, thus perfecting their errant creation.

Academy Arc: When he was able to live without being constantly monitored for fear of destroying the village, Pesuto was allowed to leave the shelter of Sunagakure's bio-engineering labs. His initial interactions with other shinobi of Sunagakure were tense at best, what with his entire body being sealed off from them and his voice sounding like some mix of demon and machine. Respect for him was not earned through his personality, but through his power. His abilities allowed him to serve his village well, and he continues to do so even though his creators lie long dead beneath the desert sands.

After nearly two years in the Academy it was time for Pesuto to become a genin, yet when everyone else became a Genin and he didn't he wen't on an all out rampage, killing not only the Kids, but his teachers aswell. This amount of power mixed with the recklessness of a child proved that Science and Greed weren't to far off from being similar. After his rampaging act Pesuto realized that he had punctured his containment suit, he quickly needed to find someone who could repair it. Thats when he came to Kumogakure.

Kumogakure Arc: After months of living alone and fighting for survival, Pesuto reached Kumogakure where he heard of a man who had the brains of a Nara and the Skils of a leader. He met the Raikage Setoshi Soichiro, this man spent his time developing and testing different things until he finnaly made a containment suit that seemed fitting for the young man. Since that day Pesuto has lived as a Genin in the village under the watchful eye of Setoshi.

Rp Sample:

Last edited by Source on Sat Sep 19, 2009 5:50 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Pesuto Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pesuto   Pesuto Icon_minitimeSat Sep 19, 2009 5:49 pm

My Jutsu:

Reppushou - Gale Wind Palm
Art: Ninjutsu
Rank: D
Type: Attack
Range: Close (0-5m), Mid (5-10m)
Chakra: 20
Description: Fuuton • Reppushou is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Wind Element. After forming the needed hand seals, the user will send a strong gust of wind towards their target while acting in conjunction with another thrown weapon, increasing its power and deadliness.
Limit: Fuuton Element. Projectile.

Fuusajin - Dust Wind
Art: Ninjutsu
Rank: D
Type: Supplementary Modifier
Range: Close (0-5m), Mid (5-10m)
Chakra: 7
Description: Using their fan, the user will blow a strong current that will cover the surrounding area in dust. This dust will serve to loosen the footing for any opponent who walks nearby.
Limit: Fuuton Element. Once per battle.

C Rank

Daitoppa - Great Breakthrough
Art: Ninjutsu
Rank: C
Type: Attack
Range: Close (0-5m), Mid (5-10m)
Chakra: 45
Description: Fuuton • Daitoppa is a Ninjutsu technique that utilizes the Wind Element. After bringing their hand to their mouth, the user will blow a large blast of wind capable of leveling almost anything in its way.
Limit: Fuuton Element.

Kazekiri - Wind Cutter
Art: C
Rank: Ninjutsu
Type: Supplementary
Range: Close (0-5m)
Chakra: Equal to the technique dispelled.
Description: This technique is used to divide and neutralize a Wind attack launched against the user. Using their ability to manipulate Wind, the user will split the incoming Wind attack and make it harmless.
*Note: Success of the Wind Cutter depends on Ninjutsu skill and judge discretion. Must be close in Ninjutsu stat to opponent. Can attempt to dispel any wind attack regardless of rank.
Limit: Fuuton Element.

Kamaitachi - Cutting Whirlwind Technique
Art: Ninjutsu
Rank: C
Type: Attack
Range: Close (0-5m), Mid (5-10m)
Chakra: 45
Description: Named after a mythical creature, the ninja uses their fan to blow a concussive wind that is imbued with their chakra, Pesuto uses air pockets in his suit. When an opponent is caught in the wind, a tornado will raise them into the air and hold them with the chakra. The wind will then begin to cut the target with the winds.
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Location : in a tree.

Pesuto Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pesuto   Pesuto Icon_minitimeSat Sep 19, 2009 6:09 pm

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Pesuto Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pesuto   Pesuto Icon_minitimeSat Sep 19, 2009 7:45 pm

The kekkei genkai of Pesuto. This ability causes Pesuto's body to produce an innumerable amount of poisons, toxins, diseases, plagues, and any other biological contaminant that had been injected into his body upon birth. Not only does his body produce whatever substance he is contaminated with, it synthesizes new substances as well as adapts to any foreign toxin introduced to his body - assimilating and then adapting to it. In the process of repairing damage done by the produced plagues and poisons, Pesuto's kekkei genkai has also developed a side effect of regeneration. His body repairs damage swiftly and completely, lessening the time required for him to heal from wounds - lessening the fatality of major wounds - and rendering his body ageless.

An ability of Pesuto's to draw disease into himself and assimilate it. By extending upon the natural ability that dwells within him, Pesuto can even extend this to other people and save them from poisoning or disease by drawing it into himself, a rough medical technique usable primarily because of his kekkei genkai.

Kijin no Heiryoku
[Fierce God's Force of Arms]
A taijutsu style used by Pesuto involving the use of long weapons in tandem with close-quarters combat. Pesuto practices using both his body and his spear as one, extending and retracting his reach by alternatively striking with weapon and limbs, making him adept at combat while both wielding his spear and unarmed. The style focuses primarily on aggressive offense, with a slightly acrobatic feel to the maneuvers.
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Join date : 2009-05-21
Location : in a tree.

Pesuto Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pesuto   Pesuto Icon_minitimeSat Sep 19, 2009 7:48 pm

Approved but the immunity will work on all but the 4 tailed demon's poisons because its a demon
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Pesuto Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pesuto   Pesuto Icon_minitime

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