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 All Kages get over here. Administrative Mistake. We Apologize.

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All Kages get over here. Administrative Mistake. We Apologize. Empty
PostSubject: All Kages get over here. Administrative Mistake. We Apologize.   All Kages get over here. Administrative Mistake. We Apologize. Icon_minitimeSat Sep 19, 2009 2:37 pm

This will be where the illegitimate Kage's will battle to see which one becomes Legitamte. Here are the matchups.

Mizukage v Tsuchikage v Raikage free for all winner take all.
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S rank missing Ninja

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All Kages get over here. Administrative Mistake. We Apologize. Empty
PostSubject: Re: All Kages get over here. Administrative Mistake. We Apologize.   All Kages get over here. Administrative Mistake. We Apologize. Icon_minitimeSat Sep 19, 2009 8:40 pm

Setoshi arrives within a we'll lit arena with his old Jounin uniform on, a red jacket under his black flask Jounin jacket. A determined look within his eyes as he looked around the arena to see his opponents where no where in sight. Setoshi gave a slight Sigh before sitting down on one of the empty arena seat, he pulls up his sleeve revealing the after math of what a demon was capable of. A current of electricity swarmed around his arm, this bringing a slight smile to his face as he pulled his sleeve back down.

Setoshi looked up at the setting sun, all his dreams and accomplishments could be shattered right now within an hours time. He stood up again, his two swords on his back banged together slightly, he used his cane to balance himself up as his gauntlets gripped the dogs head on the cane. "We'll I'll be waiting for you guys whenever you get here. . .", Setoshi says as he bangs his can on the ground making a small crater in the seats. A low rumble echoing around the arena, making all the seats shake slightly, this was the power of the Raikage.
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Null abarada
Null abarada

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All Kages get over here. Administrative Mistake. We Apologize. Empty
PostSubject: Re: All Kages get over here. Administrative Mistake. We Apologize.   All Kages get over here. Administrative Mistake. We Apologize. Icon_minitimeSat Sep 19, 2009 8:52 pm

Null walks upon the area in which all the kage's were supposed to fight for there leadership roll's. Null walked and then stopped to see his opponent. he knew that there was another opponent. Null sighed with grief of him haveing to fight with the other kage's. Null was wearing a long brown and black cloak. The cloak had a collar that rose up mid way right at the middle of Null's chin. Null knew that he couldn't use his full summoning cappacity, due to lack of training because of prior paperwork. "well im here, im not happy but i am here as requested" Null said truthfull as can be. Null's hair began to fall down before his eye causing him to flick it out of the way. Null Stood awaiting the next movements, and or arrivals of his opponents. "lets get this over with".
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All Kages get over here. Administrative Mistake. We Apologize. Empty
PostSubject: Re: All Kages get over here. Administrative Mistake. We Apologize.   All Kages get over here. Administrative Mistake. We Apologize. Icon_minitimeSat Sep 19, 2009 9:03 pm

Mezuki walked slowly into an arena wearing his kage outfit a long white and blue robe with a large mist symbol on the back with a normal kage hat with long dark silk that covered his face the mist symbol on the hat. Finally making it to where the other two kages were he pulled off his kage outfit and hat revealing his fighting outfit (see avi). Mezuki quickly pulled his fan off his back and it in his normal defensive stance then giant fan cover his body his all white eyes beginning to created a black spiral in the middle. Mezuki knew he had to fight to his fullest being against two kages he had to make his mother and father proud by keeping his rank as kage at any extent.

Name: Suchici First Stage: Elemental Mastery
Rank: D
Type: Doujtusu
Description: This stage changes the eye turns from an all white to a spiral pupil the color depending on the element being used. While using this stage the person can manipulate their element equal to the jutsu that the rank below them can preform just by moving their hands and without using as much chakra as a jutsu would.
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S rank missing Ninja

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All Kages get over here. Administrative Mistake. We Apologize. Empty
PostSubject: Re: All Kages get over here. Administrative Mistake. We Apologize.   All Kages get over here. Administrative Mistake. We Apologize. Icon_minitimeSat Sep 19, 2009 9:29 pm

Setoshi smirked as he watched the remaining two Kages make there appearance, just by watching there body movements Setoshi knew quite a bit about each of them. He straightened his posture up before placing his Cane into it's holster on his back, then he reached for something far more dangerous and bigger. He pulled out a gray Katana with a curved bladed region, a smile streaked across his face as a Dense mist started to fill the area.

"Shall we begin", Boomed Setoshi voice through the mist, Setoshi being the only person able to see through the mist. Setoshi started off by completing a series of hand signs, "Mizuame Nabara - Starch Syrup Capture Field", Setoshi says as he digs his blade into the ground, thus launching him high above the mist. He then placed his hands in the Ram Hand Sign, a sticky substance began to spew from his mouth, Setoshi not where his opponent's where, spread it across the whole field before falling back down onto the hilt of his blade so as to not step on any of it.

Setoshi then balanced himself enough to where he grabbed his Kusanagi no Raitō [Grass Cutting Lightning Sword], from it's Sheath and placed it in front of him so that he could have a form of protection.

Mizuame Nabara - Starch Syrup Capture Field
Art: Ninjutsu
Rank: D-A (Setoshi used a B-Ranked form)
Type: Supplementary
Range: Close (0-5m), Mid (5-10m)
Chakra: 10
Description: Suiton • Mizuame Nabara is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Water Element. After forming the needed hand seals, the user will expel a sticky liquid from his gullet. If the target runs on top of the liquid, their feet will become glued to its sticky surface, and it will become difficult to maneuver. If the ninja focuses chakra to their feet BEFORE touching the surface, they can hover above and move over it without hindrance. This allows the user or a comrade to charge and attack without fear of becoming bogged down as well.
*Note: An opponent must use an action to dodge this technique as with any other jutsu, based upon RP, speed, and judge discretion.
Limit: Suiton Element.
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Null abarada
Null abarada

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All Kages get over here. Administrative Mistake. We Apologize. Empty
PostSubject: Re: All Kages get over here. Administrative Mistake. We Apologize.   All Kages get over here. Administrative Mistake. We Apologize. Icon_minitimeSat Sep 19, 2009 9:47 pm

Null saw the jumping Raikage before the mist thickened, he quickly jumped and summoned a very tall dinosaur that arose over the mist, the dinosaur stood firmly on the ground not moveing an inch. The water began seeping through the ground covering up the dinosaurs feet , the mud did not even reach the dinosaurs ankle. Null stood on the head of the large long neck dinosaur as he began to summon large theradactoles once there was enough Null sent them flying towards the area in which Null saw last barraging the raikage makeing a no escape attack. Null looked down at the Mizukage seeing him not move yet, " I would make your move quick Mezuki, you wouldn't want to get stuck in that crap" Null said wondering what the Mizukage would do. Null then looked forward looking at the barrage attack take place awaiting to see how the Raikage would take it.
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All Kages get over here. Administrative Mistake. We Apologize. Empty
PostSubject: Re: All Kages get over here. Administrative Mistake. We Apologize.   All Kages get over here. Administrative Mistake. We Apologize. Icon_minitimeSat Sep 19, 2009 10:04 pm

Mezuki growled as the dense mist spread throughout the area holding his fan tightly as he hard the name of a jutsu being called out he ducked down his fan covering his body to avoid the syrup. Shaking the splashed syrup from his fan he focus chakra into the bottom of his feet as he began to run through the mist. He knew there had to be an ending to this mist and there was. Finally arriving at the end he turned around to the large dome of mist the spiral in his eye turning a light green color as he swing his large fan a powerful tornado blaring in the direction that he heard to voice.

Kamaitachi - Cutting Whirlwind
Rank: C
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m), Mid (5m ~ 10m)
Type: Attack
Kamaitachi is a Ninjutsu technique developed by Mezuki. Named after a mythical creature, Mezuki uses his fan to blow a concussive wind that is imbued with his chakra. When his opponent is caught in the wind, a tornado will raise them into the air and hold them with the chakra. The wind will then begin to cut the target with the sickling winds.
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S rank missing Ninja

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All Kages get over here. Administrative Mistake. We Apologize. Empty
PostSubject: Re: All Kages get over here. Administrative Mistake. We Apologize.   All Kages get over here. Administrative Mistake. We Apologize. Icon_minitimeSat Sep 19, 2009 10:40 pm

As Setoshi was in the air he saw a very large summon of a reptile land before him and other flying reptiles that where made after as he fell back into the mist, as he awaited on his Blade he used his Katana to reach out in front of him, no electrical shocks went flying so no one was within reach. He then heard the name of a jutsu he knew all to well, but as he calculated this in his mind he realized that the Reptile would be in a direct path of the voice. Just as he predicted a dinosaur was caught in a vicious tornado, Setoshi thought what better way to help out a fellow enemy. He started a series of hand signs then said low to himself, Ryuuka no Jutsu [Fire Release: Dragon Fire Technique], a stream of Fire erupted through the mist and began swirling around the tornado making a flaming tornado. These flames flew so fast that within the blink of the eye you would have missed it, coming luckily Mezuki wasn't his target, this time.

Setoshi then remembered the other arial dinosaurs that he had saw earlier, he performed a quick set of hand signs, Kuu no Tachi - Long Sword of the Sky, as Setoshi performed the hand signs his Kusangi no Raito began to levitate, he waited for the dinosaurs to come into view, then in one shot the blade went flying at the dinosaurs. The Pterodactyl was struck through the bill, instantly the blade shot an electrical current through the second Pterodactyl flying abit close got struck by it aswell, this one falling to the ground, the first lay dead. Setoshi watched as everything played out, His Kusanagi returning to his hands gracefully. Setoshi held it out in front of him for protection. He surged chakra through the blade to suck the mist back up leveling the playing so everyone could see.

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Null abarada
Null abarada

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All Kages get over here. Administrative Mistake. We Apologize. Empty
PostSubject: Re: All Kages get over here. Administrative Mistake. We Apologize.   All Kages get over here. Administrative Mistake. We Apologize. Icon_minitimeSat Sep 19, 2009 11:33 pm

Null now see's due to the mist retrieving, he notices the dead pteradactoles. Though the Raikage didn't notice the other 2 pteradactoles. The other two that were apart of the barrage were half an inch away from spearing the raikage with there beaks. The two pteradactoles had one position at the back of him, and another positioned at the left side of setoshi up rising, and if hit will pierce right through stabbing right into his heart. Null then noticed the rustling of the up coming wind, Null tapped his foot on the dinosaurs head signalling it to whip its neck slinging Null into a backflip into the air. Null summoned a large black dragon, not to big but a little bit bigger then what Null needed to be able ride on. Null landed seeing the big dinosaur ignite on fire. Null sent a rain of falcons with really sharp beaks the falcons rain consisted of 200 of them. Null noticed that Mezuki wasnt in the area he looked to the right to see the Mizukage a good distance away he shot one simple falcon with a sharp beak at Mezuki easilly able to dodge just wondering what he would do. The dragon began flying up higher as Null awaited there moves.
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All Kages get over here. Administrative Mistake. We Apologize. Empty
PostSubject: Re: All Kages get over here. Administrative Mistake. We Apologize.   All Kages get over here. Administrative Mistake. We Apologize. Icon_minitimeSat Sep 19, 2009 11:40 pm

Mezuki looked at the bird just chuckling swinging his large fan mixing it with his elemental manipulation to send a strong gust to cut the birds wing and throw it off course making it fall next to him. Mezuki's spiral turning a brown color as he closed the fan and put it on his back. Mezuki stuck his hands into the ground and flipped it over creating a large earth orb almost the size of kage building. Mezuki then pushed the building the large mass of earth being big enough to hit the raikage and the tsuchikage at the same time. While the massive orb traveled the mizukage hid himself under the ground and travel to the left to try to preform a sneak attack when he felt the time would be right.

Doryou Dango - Mausoleum Earth Dumpling
Rank: B
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m), Mid (5m ~ 10m)
Type: Attack
Doton • Doryou Dango is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Earth Element. After striking the ground with his hands, Mezuki is able to overturn the earth into a large dumpling shape chunk of earth the size of a mausoleum.

Dochuu Senkou - Underground Submarine Voyage
Rank: C
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m), Mid (5m ~ 10m)
Type: Attack, Supplementary
Doton • Dochuu Senkou is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Earth Element. After forming the needed hand seals, Mezuki can sink below ground and quickly travel through the earth.
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S rank missing Ninja

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All Kages get over here. Administrative Mistake. We Apologize. Empty
PostSubject: Re: All Kages get over here. Administrative Mistake. We Apologize.   All Kages get over here. Administrative Mistake. We Apologize. Icon_minitimeSun Sep 20, 2009 12:01 am

As a last second reaction Setoshi's Blade shot out two electrical currents that shot out of the blade, one shooting to his left the other right into Setoshi arm. The electrical current building in his arm and shooting out of his demonic elbow in a greater mass, then hitting the other Pterodactyl behind him this one falling to the ground dead. The second merely slowed down it's flying speed, in one hit the blade lodged through his Jounin Jacket and through his hooded sweat shirt, hitting him right where his Moon Scar was.

Instantly his arm began to glow a white color before fading, a quick transformation happened within Setoshi's body. His skin became a shady black color that almost looked gray, his eyes turned a deep red color, his ears elongating like that of an elf, and his incisors become fangs and his elongate. Setoshi looked at the ancient bird within his chest, a smile crossed over his face as he grabbed it in the neck, he pulls it out slowly and crushes his neck with the extra strength he obtained from his new form. A surge of electric flowing through the ancient bird to ensure death.

Setoshi got of his blade and added a little chakra to his feet to allow him to walk on the sticky substance which was nearly almost depleted. The wound on his chest healing faster than normally, seeing as the bird didn't go as far into him as intended. In on swipe he dug the blade out of the ground, he held this in his left and the other in his right. He looked up into the sky to see the Tsuchikage within the air, he then looked at a dome of earth and realized that it must be the Mizukage. "Come on down fellas, we've got a score to settle", Setoshi says in his now demonic voice. He held out his right hand and sent a surge of electricity through it and through the blade greatly enhancing it, it went straight toward the dome, he then prepared for an offensive attack.
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Null abarada
Null abarada

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All Kages get over here. Administrative Mistake. We Apologize. Empty
PostSubject: Re: All Kages get over here. Administrative Mistake. We Apologize.   All Kages get over here. Administrative Mistake. We Apologize. Icon_minitimeSun Sep 20, 2009 8:27 am

Null looked at the Raikage turning into a wierd beast. He heard his shriek telling Null to come down. Null knew he was never going to do that anytime soon. " come on now do you really think im gonna fight you fist to fist, think again. Null said turning around to see a giant building size boulder coming his way, Null made the dragon fly higher dodging the boulder. Null no longer saw the Mizukage but he did see a hole in which the Mizukage went down in. Null now knew he was under ground, as he summoned 7 very fast centipede's that hit the ground digging into it sniffing out the Mizukage waiting for Mezuki to make the wrong move. The centipede's were longer and faster then regular centipedes they were 5 times bigger and faster with enough venom and toxins to kill anything they bite almost instantaneously. Null summoned 4 sabertooth tigers that were 2 times bigger then Setoshi as they began to corner him to see his reaction. Null made his dragon engulf the hole in which the mizukage fled in, the fire would go on until the hole ended. The fire would chase the Mizukage with great speed unless he did something quick. Null made the saber tooth tigers surround Setoshi leaving no opening. Null then made another rain of 100 sharpbeaked falcons go over Setoshi ready to scuer him at any second. Null stood on the Dragon that was no longer flying up, just hovering really high in the air. Null stood awaiting the Kage's next move.
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All Kages get over here. Administrative Mistake. We Apologize. Empty
PostSubject: Re: All Kages get over here. Administrative Mistake. We Apologize.   All Kages get over here. Administrative Mistake. We Apologize. Icon_minitimeSun Sep 20, 2009 8:40 am

Mezuki still hiding in the tunnel feeling his dumpling being destroyed he knew he was discovered. Mezuki could hear the large centipedes crawling towards him and as he turned around to destroy them a large flame filled the tunnel. The spiral in his eye turning red he began to manipulate the fire to burn the centipedes and send the fire out of the hole and back in the direction it came from. Mezuki moving the burrow to where the dumpling was destroyed but two arm lengths away just in case he had his sword in hand. Mezuki's eye activated his second stage of his eyes turning the center into a red ninja star. Mezuki then suddenly emerged from the ground behind the raikage preforming handsigns so fast that if a person would blind they would miss him preforming a jutsu. Mezuki then spit five dragon heads made of fire from his mouth at the raikages back still preforming handsigns his eye turning brown created a wall made of earth to protect him from an incoming attacks. Mezuki then jumped back in case of a sudden attack to the wall.

Name: Suchici Second Stage: Full Elemental Release
Rank: C
Type: Doujtusu
Description: This stage of the eye allows the user to push their element to its fullest potential and increasing their handseal speed allowing them to preform thirty jutsu without even becoming fatigued slightly. In this stage the eye turns into what looks like a ninja star just like before the eye color changing depending on the element or elements used a long with this state.

Gouryuuka no Jutsu - Great Dragon Fire Technique
Rank: B
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m), Mid (5m ~ 10m), Far (10m+)
Type: Attack, Supplementary
Katon • Gouryuuka no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Fire Element. After forming the needed hand seals, the ninja will expel dragon head fireballs at their opponent. These powerful fireballs can punch through concrete.

Doryuu Heki - Earth Style Wall
Rank: B
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type: Defense
Doton • Doryuu Heki is a defensive Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Earth Element. The ninja will do the necessary hand seals and then spew a line of mud onto the ground. The mud will then grow into a large mud wall to help defend against incoming attack.
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S rank missing Ninja

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All Kages get over here. Administrative Mistake. We Apologize. Empty
PostSubject: Re: All Kages get over here. Administrative Mistake. We Apologize.   All Kages get over here. Administrative Mistake. We Apologize. Icon_minitimeSun Sep 20, 2009 11:26 am

As Setoshi watched as Saber toothed cats began to in swarm him he placed his blades away, by focusing his chakra into both of his hands and then performing one hand sign the user placed his hands on the ground. Instantly five feet away flames started to ignite, the attacking Saber tooth cats getting fried instantly and falling to the ground. The flame jutsu used by the Mizukage extinguishing due to Setoshi's being of a higher level.

As the flames spread out destroying the Mizukage's wall and chasing after him now leaving no escape, then the others heading for the Tsuchikage. The wound from the Pterodactyl attack now healed completely and Setoshi's skin color slowly but not fully turning back to normal. "C'mon guys, must you gang up on me?" Setoshi questioned as he held out his right hand, instantly a flow of electrical currents began to in circle him, by reversing the polarity Setoshi began fly through the air toward the Mizukage, but keeping his distance. In one move he took out his cane and swung it in downward sending a wave of cutting winds at a 25 meter width and height, extending out ward and downward and up ward. Setoshi waited for combat, but held his cane in a defensive manner.

(Note* Setoshi wen't straight up so he won't be hit by the flames, The Mizukage and Tsuchikage still have to avoid them.)

Chikei no Naraku no Jutsu [Terrain of Hell Technique]
Rank: S
Requirements: None
Description: After a very long series of handseals, or the user in demon form he does one seal, the user holds the Dragon seal. As the user stands in one spot, the ground within 5 feet of his or her body will begin to ignite. As larger and larger fires start, they will begin to spread outward from the original location in a spherical form, always traveling away from the user. Eventually, the fires created by this jutsu will become raging infernos, eating away at anything and everything in their path. This jutsu can cause devastation to any environment, as the flames are spread by chakra, and not any type of physical fuel such as grass. The flames spread out in a 100 meter range High and wide, 100 meters = 300 Feet.
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Null abarada
Null abarada

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All Kages get over here. Administrative Mistake. We Apologize. Empty
PostSubject: Re: All Kages get over here. Administrative Mistake. We Apologize.   All Kages get over here. Administrative Mistake. We Apologize. Icon_minitimeSun Sep 20, 2009 12:23 pm

Null saw the upcoming flames that still had a good distance away. Null made his dragon spew fire from it's mouth fighting the fire off into a different direction. Null flew a little bit higher just in case there was a little more fire left over. The fire incinerated all of the saber tooth tigers . The falcons attempting to reach setoshi being electrocuted. Null no longer saw the mizukage but he knew that he wasnt gone yet.

Last edited by Null abarada on Sun Sep 20, 2009 2:10 pm; edited 1 time in total
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All Kages get over here. Administrative Mistake. We Apologize. Empty
PostSubject: Re: All Kages get over here. Administrative Mistake. We Apologize.   All Kages get over here. Administrative Mistake. We Apologize. Icon_minitimeSun Sep 20, 2009 12:34 pm

Mezuki looked up at the tsuchikage flying on the dragon trying to quickly think of a way to get rid of the dragon he slapped his hands together his eyes turning green as two tornado's came down from the sky and aiming for the sides of the dragon while one large tornado came down from the sky on the head of the tsuchikage a blast of mud shooting up at the bottom of the flying large dragon.

Last edited by MysticNoob on Mon Sep 21, 2009 9:17 pm; edited 1 time in total
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S rank missing Ninja

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All Kages get over here. Administrative Mistake. We Apologize. Empty
PostSubject: Re: All Kages get over here. Administrative Mistake. We Apologize.   All Kages get over here. Administrative Mistake. We Apologize. Icon_minitimeMon Sep 21, 2009 8:44 pm

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All Kages get over here. Administrative Mistake. We Apologize. Empty
PostSubject: Re: All Kages get over here. Administrative Mistake. We Apologize.   All Kages get over here. Administrative Mistake. We Apologize. Icon_minitimeMon Sep 21, 2009 9:17 pm

edited my post
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All Kages get over here. Administrative Mistake. We Apologize. Empty
PostSubject: Re: All Kages get over here. Administrative Mistake. We Apologize.   All Kages get over here. Administrative Mistake. We Apologize. Icon_minitime

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