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 Riuku meets the kage of the cloud village

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Riuku meets the kage of the cloud village Empty
PostSubject: Riuku meets the kage of the cloud village   Riuku meets the kage of the cloud village Icon_minitimeSat Sep 19, 2009 1:15 pm

Riuku made his way to the cloud village to see what all was new about it. He heared that there was a new Kage for them. Riuku wanted to meet him and see what he would do for the cloud village. Riuku made his way to the main gate and passed by. "Now, were is the place that the kage lives? Oh that mite be it." Riuku looked at a tall building with the village simbol on it. Riuku knows that's got to be were the kage lives. Riuku walked up to the building and picked up some food on his way to it. He took a bite out of an apple as he walked through the door and up some stairs. He found a door with two bodyguard like people standing at the door. Riuku looked at them for a little bit then walked to the door. "STOP. What is your business here?" one of them asked. "Well, to meet the new kage so, i'll just be going in now." Riuku made his way to the door and put his hand out. The two guards stoped him but Riuku was still going for the door. He then got the door open and fell over the two guards. Riuku got back to his feet and so did the guards. the each grabed one arm of Riukus and Riuku looked at both of them with his sharingan eye that he was hiding with his hat. They both did not care and looked over at the kage. Riuku looked at him to. He looked like he did not know what was going on. Riuku smiled. "Hello mr. Kage sir. My name is. Ri-" He was punched in the gut by one of the guards. "Be quiet you worm." Riuku looked at the man. "You dont want to do that." Riuku said. The man laughed at him. "Sir, what do you want me to do to this low-life?"
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S rank missing Ninja

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Join date : 2009-09-14

Riuku meets the kage of the cloud village Empty
PostSubject: Re: Riuku meets the kage of the cloud village   Riuku meets the kage of the cloud village Icon_minitimeSat Sep 19, 2009 1:52 pm

A broad window stood before a man looking out of such, his reflection barely bouncing off of it as he looked down at his village. This man being the Godaime Raikage, the fiercest, most brutal and tactile shinobi through out his native land. As the sun broke through the mountains view, casting light throughout the village, busy people began spreading like wild flowers to there everyday lives. His hands behind his back, the Raikage placed one hand on the window looking out at the world, "Useless, these people walk around this Village not realizing the every day dangers that could spark off at any moments time", The man said to himself as he turned his back on the window.

A small buzzing noise comes from the inside of the Godaime's Robes , he places one hand inside pulling out a gray device, "I'm Here . . .", he says speaking into it. Instantly another mans voice emits from it, "We have an intruder in the Village. . .", Setoshi slammed his hand on his office's table. "Really? It's not like we don't get settlers in the Village everyday . . . You people are useless", he says in a calm tone. "Uh . . Sorry sir, but he has registered in the Bingo Book as an S-Ranked Missing-Ninja from Konoha . . .", The other man says in a distorted voice.

Setoshi looks up from the desk, sliding off his Kage Hat and tossing it onto a empty chair, "Give him hell, but allow him to make his journey", Setoshi says in a quiet voice. No reply came, but a few minutes later his door is slid open, the man and two Anbu Guards walk in. As the man prepares to give his name he gets struck in the gut, Setoshi flashes a smile then waves a hand. The guards release him, but then four Kunai are shot out of Setoshi's robed hands, two strike each guard, both falling, but an electrical current replacing there bodies.

"That's for being complete idiots. . . Don' worry they where just clones."
, Setoshi says as he turns toward the man. "Hello, I am Setoshi Soichiro, you already know that i know your name, but I would still like to hear it from you." Setoshi says waving his hand toward an empty chair, allowing the man to sit down. Setoshi took a seat for himself within his giant arm chair behidn his desk.
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Riuku meets the kage of the cloud village Empty
PostSubject: Re: Riuku meets the kage of the cloud village   Riuku meets the kage of the cloud village Icon_minitimeSat Sep 19, 2009 2:05 pm

Riuku walked up to him with a smile. "My name is Riuku Uchiha. I gess im a well knowen guy." Riuku laughed a little bit and sat down on the chair. "Yes well i gess that your the new kage in this village. I just wanted to say hi." Riuku said with a smile. "now what all do you want to do for the village?" Riuku asked. He was bored so he stoped off at the kages to talk to. Riuku put his hand on the back of his neck and smiled. "your not going to kill me for walking in without telling you right?" Riuku asked. he did not want to fight him or somthing like that. Riuku asked again. he poped his neck and closed his eyes. Riuku opened them back up and looked at him dead in the eye. Riuku still had his sharingan on so that way he can move out of the way of all attacks that he mite do to him. Riuku put his hand on his arm and took it off with a small bit of blood on it. "You have some shinobis here." Riuku said and waits for him to say somthing back to him.
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S rank missing Ninja

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Join date : 2009-09-14

Riuku meets the kage of the cloud village Empty
PostSubject: Re: Riuku meets the kage of the cloud village   Riuku meets the kage of the cloud village Icon_minitimeSat Sep 19, 2009 2:37 pm

Setoshi adjusted himself in his chair as he listened to the mans questions, closing his eyes so that he could better obtain the information he was receiving. As the man struck his first questions Setoshi waited for him to finish before raising his hand up to silence him. "Yes, I am the new Raikage, Setoshi Soichiro the Godaime Raikage. You have said 'Hi', now what do you want in my village", Setoshi says in a little more demanding voice, his eyes still closed.

Setoshi then opens his eyes slowly as the man speaks of Setoshi killing him, he flashed a sneaky smile before answering the man, "If I wanted to kill you I would have done it by now, but I see no point in killing you.", Setoshi says as he pulls his gaze away from the man before him. He pulled back into his mind to remember something deep within, The Bingo Book of Wanted Ninja. "Ive read over your file before, you don't seem to be what you are portrayed for . . . Am I not right?", Setoshi says in a questioning tone of voice, disregarding any other questions the man had.
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Location : in a tree.

Riuku meets the kage of the cloud village Empty
PostSubject: Re: Riuku meets the kage of the cloud village   Riuku meets the kage of the cloud village Icon_minitimeSat Sep 19, 2009 4:10 pm

Riuku put his hands in the air. "Well you know we just met. All i've done so far is talk to you. Plus that little bingo book that you guys have. It also says that i'm friendly and not to attack me first." Riuku said with a slite laugh. Riuku looked at him with a serious face. "Now, im here because i wanted to meet the new kage. Nothing elss. Now, I just came here to tell you. Im looking over the villages for people with the demons in them. I here that you have one. Am I wrong?" Riuku asked. He smiled a bit and looked at him again with that serious look. "Now, don't lie to me about it. What tail is it?" Riuku asked. He waits for him to say somthing.

(Sorry for it being so short.)
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S rank missing Ninja

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Join date : 2009-09-14

Riuku meets the kage of the cloud village Empty
PostSubject: Re: Riuku meets the kage of the cloud village   Riuku meets the kage of the cloud village Icon_minitimeSat Sep 19, 2009 4:33 pm

As Setoshi heard the man talk he quickly drowned him out as a presence ventured into his mind, calling him in a gentle voice. He retreats deep into his mind, a torchlit hall way leading up to a cage, Setoshi walks up to it setting his hand on the cages bar. A pair of Aqua Blue eyes looking through at him. He gave a smile, the retreated to his normal serious face, "Hello my friend, rather odd you never come call me during the day, what seems to be the trouble?", Setoshi asks in a friendly voice. "A series of actions has caused an equal or maybe even greater action to occur.", Said a majestic voice that seemed to fill the room with joy. Setoshi pondered for a moment on what his beast was saying before replying with, "Hmm . . . Yes that does tend to happen, has this action anything to do with you?", Setoshi says speaking as clearly as possible. "Not only with I, but the man of which speaks tongues.", Says the beast before retreating into the shadows. Setoshi removed his hands from the bar and began walking through the hall way, entering the Real World once again.

"Are you implying that you have such similar beast within you as well?"
, Setoshi says in a manner similar to that of which his inner demon spoken in. "Because if that is true then you speak of things that you already know, why must you need to more than you already do, unless you are trying to perform an action greater than the one you have now." Setoshi says quickly catching himself as he spoke. "Great some of The Gobi's Chakra has leaked out into me, I'm speaking in riddles . . .", Setoshi sat thinking to himself. "In simpler matters, yes I do have a Tailed-Beast inside of me, it is of Five Tails. I'm going to go out on a limb to say that you have one as well, most likely by what I'm reading from your chakra the Nine-Tailed.", Setoshi says his eyes fixed on the man in front.
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Location : in a tree.

Riuku meets the kage of the cloud village Empty
PostSubject: Re: Riuku meets the kage of the cloud village   Riuku meets the kage of the cloud village Icon_minitimeSat Sep 19, 2009 4:56 pm

Riuku smiled. "Yes i am." Riuku said and got out of his chair. Riuku put his hand out to shake his. "Well it was nice to meet you mr.Kage but i must be going now." Riuku said and walked out of the door. Riuku made his way to the village gate and then walked out and looked back. Riuku closed his eyes and was now in a hall way. Riuku walked down the hall and found a bared room with darkness behind it. Riuku walked up to it. "Hello." Riuku said. Then, two blood shot red eyes opend and looked at Riuku. "Hello." He said. Riuku was now talking to his demon fox. "So, is he one of them?" The fox asked. Riuku noded. "Did he say yes?" "I did not asked him yet." The demon looked at him for a little bit. "Why?" "Im not starting the group just yet." Riuku said. The demon laughed. "Ok well make sure that i have some fun with the guy if he says no." The demon said. "I'll think about it." Riuku said and walked away

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PostSubject: Re: Riuku meets the kage of the cloud village   Riuku meets the kage of the cloud village Icon_minitime

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