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 Setoshi Soichiro (Done)

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S rank missing Ninja

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Setoshi Soichiro (Done) Empty
PostSubject: Setoshi Soichiro (Done)   Setoshi Soichiro (Done) Icon_minitimeFri Sep 18, 2009 8:43 pm


Real Name: Kissaki Sou
Given Name: [ Setoshi Sōichiro ]
Age: 21
Weight: 172 lbs
Height: 6'1
Carried Items:
Standard Shinobi Equipment
Sou carries a single holster of kunai and a single holster of shuriken, both on his left thigh, as well as several handfuls of caltrops and explosive tags in a pouch on the back of his belt. He also carries a small rangefinger which he uses when necessary.

Special Characteristics physically:
[Devil Possession]
Through the events after Akujin's death, Sou-- with the aid of Hybris -- has sealed the Raikou Akuma into his right arm. The sealed demon has transformed his right arm into a demonic appendage, and causes him pain at random intervals, and will until he has fully mastered it. With the demon sealed in his right arm, as opposed to his body in general, Sou is less affected by the demonic suggestions that transformed Akujin into what he had become, and can suppress the demonic whispers with his mental fortitude.

The sealed arm has grown a red-and-blue carapace, reminiscent of the black carapace that formerly engulfed Akujin's entire body save only on his right arm. The carapace is durable enough to defend against most bladed weapons, increases the physical strength in Sou's right arm, and continually pulses with electrical energy which can be freely used. The sealed demon also gives Sou an increased chakra level when he draws upon the demon's power, and allows him to use certain Raiton techniques without hand seals, though they must originate from his right arm. The carapace is not so bulky as to keep him from wearing his gauntlets, however.

Zokusei no Kemono
[Attribute of a Beast]
During his capture and torment, Sou's chest was cut open at one point -- and when it healed it became the unique half-moon scar on his chest -- and his tormentors implanted a synthetic gene that has slowly spread itself throughout his entire body. During peaks of anger Sou's body undergoes a bestial transformation, his eyes turning blood red and glowing, his fingers elongating and becoming claw-like, his teeth elongating into fangs, and his face taking on a semi-feral appearance.

While in this form, Sou goes berserk and attacks that which angers him as well as anything else that attracts his attention untill his anger is spent. After the transformation fades, he has no memory of what transpired during it -- which accounts for some of his lost memories. This was the first experimentation they applied to his body, though by no means the last.

Zokusei no Akuma
[Attribute of the Devil]
During his capture and torment, Sou's chest was cut open, which resulted in the unique half-moon scar on his chest, Around the same time that his tormentors implanted the synthetic Beast Gene, they also implanted a synthetic Devil Gene. This gene's initial activation occurs when he takes a severe injury, which hasn't occurred yet. After it's initial activation, Sou will be able to control the gene with an effort of will. When activated, Sou's skin takes on a much darker tone, almost black, with the half-moon scar on his chest turning pale. His ears are elongated and pointed, his incisors become fangs, his eyes turn red and slitted, and his nails elongate into claws.

While in this form, Sou isn't berserk. His regenerative powers, physical strength and chakra strength are both increased a great deal. At the same time, this form puts a constant drain on his chakra and body, exhausting him. This ability was activated by Banrai Guin when he hit Sou in the chest with a spear of lightning.. This was the second, but not the last, experiment performed on Sou.

Raikage no Shōten
[Focus of the Lightning Shadow]
Sou has always been renowned for his chakra control, and as he has grown it too has improved. With the acquisition, and acclimation, of his demon arm his willpower has been stressed to a point few humans ever reach, and he's come out victorious. Because of this, Sou's chakra control has reached levels never before seen in Kumogakure and most of the shinobi world.

With his immense level of chakra control, Sou has gained the ability to redirect his Ninjutsu attacks mid-flight, sustain his ranged attacks for an even greater distance, and even show the same control over elemental chakra as he has over his razorchain - allowing him to utilize whips of electrical or wind chakra without having his razorchain gauntlets equipped. In addition, his perception and willpower have been elevated.

[Lightning God]
Having acclimated himself to his demonic right arm, Sou has developed the ability to extend his electrical prowess from that arm to the rest of his body, allowing him to emit electricity without hand-seals from any point of his body simply by using his immense level of chakra control to funnel the demon's electrical nature through the rest of his body's circulatory system, allowing it to be emitted from any point on his body at any time.

[Attribute of Hell]
During his capture and torment, Sou's chest was cut open, which resulted in the unique half-moon scar on his chest, Around the same time that his tormentors implanted the synthetic Beast and Devil genes, they also implanted a synthetic Hell Gene. The original intent of this gene is unknown, for the demon sealed within Sou's right arm has warped it to further suit it's purposes.

Whenever Sou's mental defense against the demon has been eroded, such as being severely injured and rendered unconscious, this gene will activate and give the sealed demon control of Sou's body - warping it into a twisted vision of it's former host. The carapace fully encases Sou's form, providing oxygen through 'intake valves' located under the arms and on the back of the neck. Glowing electrical 'eyes' allow the demonic presence vision, but do not connect in any way to Sou's body. The hardened carapace itself serves as the Demon's body, the body of Sou trapped within merely being sustenance so long as he is unable to control the demon's will.

The outer shell of this form is extremely durable, capable of withstanding an avalanche much less most conventional shinobi weapons, and has access to all of the demon's electrical abilities, much as Akujin did when he was alive. This form can only be stopped by Sou's will, much like the demon has been held at bay by him.

Setoshi Soichiro (Done) 09a07824
Setoshi Soichiro (Done) Fdb73970
For casual wear, Sou contains a variety of T shirts, jeans, button up shirts, coats, suit pants, boots, shoes, dress shoes, and other civilian-esque wear from whence he chooses as he pleases. There is no set standard for his dress when casual.

Sou typically, when not on duty, wears a blue-and-red hooded duster, blue slacks, and a pair of boots. He has recently cut and dyed his hair silver, remniscent of his old hair style when he was a member of ANBU.

When on duty, Sou wears the typical Kumogakure flakvest over a dark colored tunic and leggings. His sandals are boot-style, going up his shin almost to the knee and covering a portion of his leggings. Under the sleeves of his tunic, Sou wears a leather arm straps that cover his right arm from shoulder to hand where it ends in a fingerless glove-style covering. This is worn under his gauntlets as well.

Sou wears a variant of the typical kage outfit for his Raikage clothes. While the hat and cloak are still present and embossed with the symbol of Kumogakure and yellow lining, the right sleeve is much longer than necessary -- completely concealing his right arm. On the other hand, his left sleeve is cut short to his shoulder, revealing his entire left arm.

Village or Ex Village(s)
Rank: Raikage

Clan Info
Cannon Clan N/A
Name: N/A
Abilities: N/A
Symbol: N/A
History: N/A

Custom Clan:
Link: N/A

Ability Info
Main: Raiton
Sub (1): Katon
Sub (2): Fuuton
Sub (3): Suiton
Sub (4): Douton

Main: Mastery of Chakra Control
Sub (2): Kenjutsu
Sub (3): Taijutsu
Sub (4): Ninjutsu

(Within Another Post)


History: (Within Another Post)

Rp Sample only required for Jounin/Anbu/Kage/Missing Ninja/Akatsuki/Sanin

Rp Sample: As the light of the delighted sun illuminated the grounds of the forest within the Fire Country the winds blew gently from the East, Cherry Blossom petals gracefully floated to the ground as an eerie silence hung in the air. Within a quick flourish of the wind, some Cherry Blossom petals began to swirl around in a min-tornado, then before the old Cherry Blossom tree stood a young man. His short Grey hair slid spiked up in the front, but laying loosely toward the back of his head, a long black sheath strapped to his back, this almost nearly meaning this was a ninja of some sort. A Red hooded jacket placed underneath the man's black trench coat which hung to about his ankles, this occupying his upper region of his body, as the lower region being occupied with Deep Grey Jeans.

The man looked around the area, his Deep Grey eyes piercing the surroundings as if he was looking through and at each and every object within the lands. He turned his attention to his right arm, this Arm of his not being of normal stature, this being the result of experimentation gone wrong mixed with the Demonic powers of the Demon it's self. As he spread his demonic fingers a series of sparks emitting from them, quickly he clenched his hand into a fist, instantly his whole arm started to course with Electricity. A broad smile spread across his face, but it quickly vanished as he grabbed his arm with his left. An expression of pain now on his face, but as quickly as it came it vanished. The man giving out short gasps as he tried to gather air throughout his body, "Damn this arm, with the power it brings, it also brings pain. . ." Says the man trailing off as he leaned back against the tree, releasing his right arm.

The man closed his eyes, although this would be seen as a stupefying action within the Ninja world, but this ninja knowing this all to well, him allowing his chakra to flow at an increased rate to his Ears, Nose, and Hair amongst his body. This amplifying all of his other senses so that it painted a sort of picture within his mind of his surroundings. "Hmm, seems like people just can't stay away from home to long. . .The man said in a low voice, speaking to himself, as it may have seemed. In his boredom the man sent a steady flow of electricity to his Demonic Arm, this causing them to heat to a very hot degree, the man then proceeded to carve the letters "S & B" into the bark of the young Cherry Blossom Tree. After leaving his mark he proceeded to reach in his ninja tool pocket.

Instantly he threw four kunai at an accelerated rate, each sent dead in-front of him where about 200 feet another man walked toward him, apparently not seeing him. The Man then held his hands in the Monkey position, the kunai now beginning to swerve left and right in a transitive pattern. Although the man didn't blink making this seem like a Genjutsu in the making, it wasn't, this man controlling them somehow or someway.

Last edited by Bliss on Sat Sep 19, 2009 10:16 am; edited 3 times in total
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S rank missing Ninja

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Setoshi Soichiro (Done) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Setoshi Soichiro (Done)   Setoshi Soichiro (Done) Icon_minitimeFri Sep 18, 2009 9:05 pm

History: (Every Two Weeks I will make A Post revealing something more about his History)
(What is left of his memory)

Raikage Arc. Two years. For two years, Kissaki Sou has been missing from Kumogakure no Sato. Two years ago, he was sent out on a mission by his beloved Arkianna, a mission he had given his all to complete. Two years ago, that mission went awry, and took Sou to places he had never before dared dream. Though little is left in Sou's mind of these dark times, he remembers clearly the face of his tormentors, and the fresh scars that he carries now. This is not all that was left on him though, the mark of those who held him captive is also forever scarred into his flesh -- Directly on Sou's chest, he has a scar that is shaped like a half-moon with a scratch through the left, right, and bottom sections of it -- all connecting to a dot in the middle of his chest, which has a line going from it upwards to just below his throat -- the scar is deep, and looks like it took some time to heal.

During the long year of his capture, he was tortured both physically and mentally. Placed in mind-wrenching illusions, and his body shorn only to be made whole again, he was slowly destroyed from the inside out. The truth, though he would never know, was that this was a set up for something even larger to come. He was merely a guinea pig, and during these long sessions of pain, something.. sinister.. was implanted within him.

Whatever reasons Sou was tortured are beyond him now, but throughout it all he had a reason to keep consciousness, or to keep alive. So as to not betray the trust of his love, and the secrets of his love... Arkianna, the Raikage. It was the thoughts of her that lay searing in his brain that allowed him to remain alive, and allowed him to plot the escape that he eventually made. Now, he is hunted. Now, he is prey. After he escaped, he had no idea as to where he was. He could not get his bearings at all... The experiments that had been performed on him had left him... empty inside, but for Arkianna... And so, he set off, attempting to return to his rightful home.

For a year he had been gone from the world, and now he returned to it unsure. Half-healing, half-searching, he spent a good bit of a year merely searching for civilization, trying to remember fully who he truly was. Eventually, he discovered the way back to his home and began the long and painful journey back to Kumogakure. Along the way, he discovered that his captors were not about to let him go easily and was forced to defend himself again and again, proving his strength even if he did not remember his title as 'Strongest' in Kumogakure.... only to find himself, injured, back at the doorstep of his home...

After weeks of rehabilitation, it was discovered that Sou had been implanted with non-human DNA in a scientific experiment by the Nara nukenin known as Kichigai. Working for Orochimaru, he had been trying to recreate specific abilities desirable by the snake, but to no success -- having used both himself and Sou as guinea pigs.

One of the genes in Sou caused him to turn into a form of werewolf and go berserk around Kumogakure, at which point he was stopped by Banrai Guin -- who accidentally activated the second gene, which restored Sou's memories as it regenerated wounds inflicted by Guin. With time, Sou became capable of controlling both of these aspects of his body, and regained all of his memories.

Soon after, Arkianna stepped down as Raikage to care for their newborn daughter, at which point Kumani Mushou took office. This marked the end of Sou's involvement in the Sendo Buntai, as he looked into finding and finally ending Akujin. It was discovered, however, that he was too late. After Akujin destroyed Otogakure and vanished, he resurfaced in Iwagakure and -- for some reason -- let himself get killed by the Tsuchikage of the moment.

The Raikou Akuma was then released on the world, and trudged it's way towards Kumogakure. Meeting it as it entered Kaminari no Kuni, Kumani Mushou and Sou sealed the demon and bound him into Sou's right arm. His right arm was physically transformed by the act, but he gained full control over the Raikou Akuma in the process, finally putting to rest the legacy of his fallen comrade Akujin.

With the recent abduction and sealing of the Rokubi Jinchuuriki, Kumani Mushou [Who was also the Rokudaime Raikage], Kissaki Sou has been appointed to lead the village.
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S rank missing Ninja

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PostSubject: Re: Setoshi Soichiro (Done)   Setoshi Soichiro (Done) Icon_minitimeFri Sep 18, 2009 9:09 pm

Basic Jutsu:

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PostSubject: Re: Setoshi Soichiro (Done)   Setoshi Soichiro (Done) Icon_minitimeFri Sep 18, 2009 9:13 pm

Non-Elemental jutsu

Last edited by Bliss on Sat Sep 19, 2009 11:30 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Setoshi Soichiro (Done)   Setoshi Soichiro (Done) Icon_minitimeFri Sep 18, 2009 9:13 pm

Fuuton (Wind) Jutsus


Last edited by Bliss on Sat Sep 19, 2009 11:20 am; edited 1 time in total
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Setoshi Soichiro (Done) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Setoshi Soichiro (Done)   Setoshi Soichiro (Done) Icon_minitimeSat Sep 19, 2009 8:24 am

your sword goes under other creation
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PostSubject: Re: Setoshi Soichiro (Done)   Setoshi Soichiro (Done) Icon_minitimeSat Sep 19, 2009 11:06 am

Raiton (Lightning) Jutsus


Last edited by Bliss on Sat Sep 19, 2009 11:22 am; edited 3 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Setoshi Soichiro (Done)   Setoshi Soichiro (Done) Icon_minitimeSat Sep 19, 2009 11:09 am

Katon (Fire) Ninjutsus

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PostSubject: Re: Setoshi Soichiro (Done)   Setoshi Soichiro (Done) Icon_minitimeSat Sep 19, 2009 11:12 am

Suiton (Water) Ninjutsus

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PostSubject: Re: Setoshi Soichiro (Done)   Setoshi Soichiro (Done) Icon_minitimeSat Sep 19, 2009 11:19 am

Doton (Earth) Jutsus

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PostSubject: Re: Setoshi Soichiro (Done)   Setoshi Soichiro (Done) Icon_minitimeSat Sep 19, 2009 11:31 am


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Setoshi Soichiro (Done) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Setoshi Soichiro (Done)   Setoshi Soichiro (Done) Icon_minitimeSat Sep 19, 2009 11:38 am


Setoshi is the Jinchuriki of the Five-Tailed Horse/Dolphin, and is therefore capable of transforming into various forms that resembles his Tailed Beast, until he finally takes on the complete form of it.Gobi is a bijuu that has complete mastery of all the five elements,therefore grants Setoshi the ability to do the same.When Setoshi taps into the Chakra, it increases every physical aspect of his body. He is gifted with stamina, massive strength, increased speed.Unlike other Jinchuuriki when he uses the bijuu chakra he is not going berserk,in fact he maintains his calm persona to the same extent that he always does.He gains one more element of his choice(not always) per tail.

His Apperance After he has Used a Tail:

• His appearance will stay like this for Five Posts then revert to normal.

Number of Elements he can control:

(Initial/One Tail=1 Element)
(Two Tails=2 Elements)
(Three Tails=3 Elements)
(Four Tails=4 Elements)
(Five Tails=5 Elements)

Jinchuuriki Transformations:

Initial Transformation:In this form you wont notice the slightest difference,Setoshi is the same in appearance as he was before and same goes for the personality.He is granted with white chakra which gives him power argumentation.In this form he is also able to choose one of the five elements to use in battle.

One-Tailed Transformation
:The chakra leaks out of his body in a denser state.His physical appearance changes as well,he becomes more muscular and his hair becomes black and Red and grows longer. This form also came with an additional bonus: the white chakra became a complete shield around his body,with a long tail, which is extremely hot(the bijuu cloak not the tail,lol.).That Chakra armor/cloak becomes more solid as the Transformation proceeds to the next lvls.Complete control of this form.

Two-Tailed Transformation
:The chakra cloak's only difference between the one-tailed and the two-tailed transformation was the extra chakra tail that formed. The amount of chakra produced by the two-tailed transformation was so powerful that even powerful enemies double over in pain.Complete control of this form.

Three-Tailed Transformation
:The three-tailed form looks similar to the two-tailed form.The amount of chakra produced from this form is devastating, such that the air around him begins to sting others.With the standard chakra shield's protection and attack power, a simple swing of his arm has the power to create a powerful sphere of destruction. Control over this form,unknown to what extent.

Four-Tailed Transformation:The Five-Tails' chakra began to burn its way through Setoshi's body, completely destroying his skin while rapidly healing it at the same time. The result was that Seotshi's body was covered in a mix between the Bijuu's chakra and his own blood.The chakra's internal support becomes Setoshi's physical mass, with every living thing in its way a target. The four-tailed transformation has all the benefits of the other tails, with upgrades. With a simple wave of his hand, it can send a shock wave of destruction. The chakra shield, while being solid, is so hot that it can burn the skin on contact.He still has some control over his body in this form.

Five-Tailed Transformation
:The final transformation of Setoshi which his skin is destroyed in a similar fashion of Naruto when he reaches the fourth tail and above.In this form he takes on the appearance of Gobi itself, rather than just a cloak.Even in his full form, he does not possess an invincible shroud like the Nine-Tails, so even with his immense size, powerful attacks will still have be effective.
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Setoshi Soichiro (Done) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Setoshi Soichiro (Done)   Setoshi Soichiro (Done) Icon_minitimeSat Sep 19, 2009 12:28 pm

well i got to say, APPROVED
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PostSubject: Re: Setoshi Soichiro (Done)   Setoshi Soichiro (Done) Icon_minitime

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