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 Alexander veroro ( finished)

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Join date : 2009-09-15

Alexander veroro ( finished) Empty
PostSubject: Alexander veroro ( finished)   Alexander veroro ( finished) Icon_minitimeTue Sep 15, 2009 4:58 pm


Name:Alexander veroro
Age: 23
Carried Items:My character always carries around bags of seeds
Special Characteristics physically:The best plant jutsu specialist
Village or Ex Village(s): Use to move from village to village the main ex-village would be rain
Rank: Akatsuki member

heres the link to my clan:
Genin can have up to C ranks
Chunin can have up to B ranks
Jounin can have A ranks with 2 S ranks
Anbu can have A ranks with 4 S ranks
Kage's can have any kind of jutsu with a limit of 10 S ranks
Missing Nin can have up to A ranks with 3 S ranks
Akatsuki can have up to A ranks with 3 S ranks
Akatsuki leader can have up to S ranks
SAnin can have up to A ranks with 5 S ranks

Our genjutsu's are activated naturally and if we want them to be stronger we activate our doujutsu.

Name:Twin binding vines
Type:genjutsu and ninjutsu
Description:Alexander will form various handsigns and traps his opponent in a genjutsu without warning he then squeezes them with the vines in the jutsu. can be activated with eye contact or not more affective with contact though

Name:Leaf fall avalanche
Description:alexander will quickly stealthly form only 2 handsigns he then puts a genjutsu around the surrounding area and anyone in it except his allies will get hurt with thousands of leaves sharper and faster than ever zooming right toward them cutting them till they almost bleed to death. activated with doujutsu

Name:Hidden Kumokoi
Type:Forbidden Jutsu
Description:Alexander pauses for a brief moment and as he pauses you will see ripples under his skin if his akatsuki cloak is off and then thoughs ripples will move very fast underneath his skin almost causing sevre bleeding for him but then when the ripples of vines stop moving underneath him his blood becomes vines and his skin his hard to slice even with the most skilled swordsmans sword. When this happens he then performs a fake self sacrifce and the vines come bursting out of his skin killing the fake him(he can choose when he wants to do this). when the blood is on his on his opponent he will through seeds on them and the seeds seep through the persons skin and do the samething to them. activated with doujutsu

Name:Vine versa
Description:when alexander is seriously injured he wraps his body in vines leaves and seeds to the point were you can't see him he then heals himself up and is ready for another battle but at a price he looses on of his five senses.activated with doujutsu

Name:new moon
Description:alexander puts the opponent under a genjutsu and vines come from all over the place and stab the person from all angles and stay right where they are then alex will clap his hands together and the vines will rip out of the person. activated with eye contact with doujutsu

Name:Demonic Illusion: Tree Binding Death
Description:With this jutsu, the user can make themselves disappear, allowing them to approach their target unnoticed. Once completed, a tree and roots will grow at the target's feet and restrict their movements. Once the opponent believes that they are captured, the user can then appear above their opponent from the tree's trunk and kill the target.

Name:Genjutsu: Flower Petal Escape
Rank:Unknown rank
Description:When trapped inside of a genjutsu or wishing to appear trapped, Kurenai uses this jutsu to dissolve her body into many flower petals which then consume her enemy's body.naturally used

Must have this organized in Arcs.
Genin must have Academy Arc/Childhood Arc
Chunin must have the previous and Genin Arc
Jounin must have the previous and Chunin Arc
Anbu must have the previous and Jounin Arc
Kage must have the previous with or withour Anbu Arc
Missing Ninja must have Childhood/Academy Arc, Genin Arc, + 1 more
Akatsuki must have at least 4 Arcs the first being Childhood/Academy Arc
Sanin must have at least 6 Arcs the first being Childhood/Academy Arc

Academy arc
Alex walked in a room full of kids laughing and having fun together. he sat down as he saw some other kids coming.they pushed him and shoved him but he paid them no mind. He really didn't understand life well that is because he doesn't remember anything from his baby years to child year he only is moving as fast as his memories take him. He really didn't like thoughs kids so then after school they went to far and threw a kunai in his left shoulder but the kunai broke when it hit alex. Alex looked at them glaring. he then ran at them and all you could hear was a blood gurgling scream and when teachers went to see what was up the boys where dead and alex was no where to be found.

Chuunin exam arc
Alex was entering the chuunin exams and he was pretty confident he made it past the first and second exam pretty easy but wasn't successful in the last exam. he waited a year for the next chuunin exam to start and this time he nailed it he became a full fledged ninja and was ready to pwn all but that didn't work out when he went alittle over board

Chuunin arc
Alex went to far when he became a chuunin and got banished from the village hidden in the ran for toturing little kids and almost killing his teacher. He said he was going to leave the village anyways but didn't want that to spread so he kept it to himself for a while. he thought to himself being a chuunin was just another weak rank he wants to be the baddest of the bad he wants to be an akatsuki member but be a really strong one so he can take revenge on the rain.

Missing nin arc
when alex became a missing nin he traveled from village to village land to land and started to learn different movements and techniques he started to grow a liking to plant jutsu's and went on from there he then started to be alittle bit more feared to others so he kept his life on a low profile till the time was right to show the world what he was bringing to the table. He tried to infilatrate the rain villages

Akatsuki arc
Alex thought the only way he could join the akatsuki is if his name was spread throughout the land so he reeked havoc in all the villages he entered along with all of the lands and some of the whole entire country. He then got and offer from the akatsuki saying they could use his skills. he didn't turn them down and he was offically a member of the akatsuki. he looks back on his old life and laughs at all the crazy stuff he did as a kid but then that crazy stuff became fear and that fear became pain and later on he became neutral

Rp Sample only required for Jounin/Anbu/Kage/Missing Ninja/Akatsuki/Sanin
Rp Sample:

As I ran through the wet forest, only to be covered by the fog and the dark light of the night, I knew there was a 50% percent chance of my survival as I was being hunted.
“There we go men we almost got him” A man behind me said I didn’t get a good look at him but he was wearing a something I would suspect Shrek to wear.
I was panicking a bit when I realized he was in spitting distance of me so all I cared about was making it out of there.
“Come guys, almost there, just a couple of feet forward” Another man said behind as if he was right in my head—oh my lord that was a women—I got that disturbing image out of my head and kept forward making good timing at every turn that came up.
The sky was dark but the forest was darker but that didn’t stop me from running away from the people trying to kill me. Run run little Draco….you can’t run from fate when it’s stabbing you in the back….. “What was that” I looked around even behind when I saw the people where still chasing me.
Who was talking to me and how did they know my name? How come the angry mob didn’t stop when they heard it?
So many questions fluttered through my head as I ran and I was cocky and careless when I noticed all of a sudden I felt a sharp pain in the side of my neck, and before I realized it I was on the ground, I couldn’t move nor speak and soon everything went dark….cold….and blank….
“What’s going on”….where am I….. “my head hurts”…-- “run, run, run, as fast as you can you can’t catch me I’m the scary man”--…. “Whose there”—“Don’t you remember me Draco I have been with you always”--… “Who are you” I said with fear and disbelief, I couldn’t believe this was happening…--“Don’t you remember me I am yo--”… “I DON’T KNOW YOU SHOW YOURSELF”I interrupted the voice…--“Don’t interrupt me you little brat” the voice said with an angry tone “I see I will have to teach you a lesson now won’t I”
I couldn’t get a good listening of the voice but it sounded as if it was a grown lady voice mixed with a grown mans voice, so then I got to thinking it was probably a perverted transvestite after me.
“What do you want with me” I said trying to end the conversation but all I heard was 2 snaps of the finger and all of a sudden the world around got brighter and I was on a scary rocky terrain with sculls of people and animals scattered all over the place.
There was a lot of sand and huge plateaus, and I think I saw 7 mountains each a different color. I couldn’t make out the color of the first 4 but that last 3 were Blue, Red, and Green.
“What is this about why did you send me here” I got no answer instead what I got was a giant earthquake and something emerging from the ground.
“What the f*** is that” when I looked at the monster that emerged from the ground it looked like a giant 3 headed snake with human heads for heads. The heads had only one eye and they each were a different color like the ones on the mountains I saw the colors of but they were a bit different they were colors that none of the mountains had.
But anyways the snakes looked very vicious, even though they head human heads their teeth were sharper than ever and they had snake like fangs that looked like they could chew a mega tank like a piece of gum. The design of the snake was mainly purple with black and red streaks going all around.
“It is time for your judgment” the voice said to me
“What judgment” I said frightened
“The judgment of the curse”
“The Curse”
“Which ever one of those snake strike at you don’t move they will give you a curse of power meaning that you will be a legendary fire wileder"

Last edited by Alexander on Wed Sep 16, 2009 4:16 pm; edited 4 times in total
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Join date : 2009-09-11

Alexander veroro ( finished) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alexander veroro ( finished)   Alexander veroro ( finished) Icon_minitimeTue Sep 15, 2009 5:38 pm

Waite, how do you activate your genjutsu is it a keikei genkei or is it naturally?? can you explain... sorry im not too much into the genjutsu
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Join date : 2009-09-13

Alexander veroro ( finished) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alexander veroro ( finished)   Alexander veroro ( finished) Icon_minitimeTue Sep 15, 2009 6:02 pm

Your missing your clan or blood line could u please add that in if its canon or put it in the custom clan section so it can be approved and so can you character.
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Join date : 2009-09-15

Alexander veroro ( finished) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alexander veroro ( finished)   Alexander veroro ( finished) Icon_minitimeWed Sep 16, 2009 4:10 pm

is that better
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PostSubject: Re: Alexander veroro ( finished)   Alexander veroro ( finished) Icon_minitime

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