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 Verifying the Power.....

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Join date : 2009-09-11

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PostSubject: Verifying the Power.....   Verifying the Power..... Icon_minitimeSun Sep 13, 2009 1:55 pm

As The Unknown Shinobi Dressed in all black walked along the thin Dirk paved path, it began to rain and as the tiny droplets of water fell from the sky The Shinobi pulled back his hooded cloak revealing his face. He was a young man in his early Twenties he seemed to be fair skinned and quite good looking at that, his hair was slicked back and it was a very light gray color. The shinobi Kept a solemn look upon his face, but he had a purpose as all Ninja do and as it was not yet revealed he stayed persistent keeping up his pace. He seemed to be very eager at reaching his destination, but as the rain just seemed to increased it slowed his movement down drastically, and yet the shinobi stayed persistent venturing deeper into Rain country Territory. Soon after He breached his two mile Mark into Amegakure, as he did the rain fall had accumulated enough that it made the top layer of soil soft and Mushy, It seemed unusual to him as he was from a land far away, he was not yet accustomed to the Heavy repetition of rain.

The heavy cloak the Shinobi wore kept a good portion of the Rain water from contaminating his body but as he kept his head free and out his hair was drenched. But strangely hanging from the bottom of his cloak was a large bladed weapon, as he had not yet revealed its purpose or use it stayed a mystery. But no doubt it was just as powerful as the ninja himself, but many things were odd about The shinobi, They way he carried himself and his light colored hair. He was nothing less than attention getter, but maybe he had no intentions of being Stealthy gaining knowledge just from his looks it seemed that he gained power from brute force and well planed out taijutsu attacks.

As the The rain village Gates Came into the shinobi's line of sight, he could do nothing besides let out a sigh. He Paused only for a moment to look over the guards that stood, he pondered how he could kill them quickly. But as he had no time to waste, so he started to walk once more. The young man shook his had rapidly to release the moisture in his Grey hair. As he did he quickly pulled his black hood up over his head concealing his face completely, soon after he pulled the large bladed weapon up higher hiding its location as well. Slowly creeping down the stone layed path, The shinobi Stopped finally as he did he sighed once more, but this time he was only a few feet away from the Great Entrance. As he did the guards started to Became anxious, The shinobi simply said to them "well which one of you will be first?" He spoke in a sly evil tone that could chill someone to the bone.
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Join date : 2009-05-21
Location : in a tree.

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PostSubject: Re: Verifying the Power.....   Verifying the Power..... Icon_minitimeSun Sep 13, 2009 3:13 pm

Making his way to the rain village to see what all had change. Riuku had a hat on his head to keep people from telling who he was. As Riuku made his way to the gates he saw that the two guards were standing there and another person was there as well "Well which one of you will be first?" The man asked. Riuku walked passed the man as if he was not there and was next to the gards. "Sir tell me your name." The man said. Riuku looked at him in the eye and the man fell to the ground passed out. The other guard was looking at him with his eyes wide open. Riuku was behind him choped him in the back of the neck making him also passed out. Riuku looked at the man standing there. Riuku sighed. Riuku looked at him with a smile. "Hello there. The name is... Anomie. What is your name?" Riuku asked. Riuku did not want to give out his real name because he did not want to fight the guy.

Thats all people wanted to do when they hear Riuku's name. Is to fight him. Riuku poped his neck. "How's your day been so far?" Riuku asked as if there know one another. He put his hand out to shake his hand and hoped that he would do the same. i hope that this guy has never heared of me because then he could most likely tell its me beacuse of the wanted adds that people have put out for my death. Well it mite be hard because of me not haveing my sharingan on. Riuku thinks to himself. He waits to hear what the man will say.
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Join date : 2009-09-11

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PostSubject: Re: Verifying the Power.....   Verifying the Power..... Icon_minitimeTue Sep 15, 2009 4:07 pm

Artemis lowered the first few blades his scythe from his large cloak, as he was about to strike both jounin Guards in their tracks a Strange shinobi lunged in immobilizing both of the guards. As he did Arty pulled the large scythe back up into his massive cloak, The rain stopped only for a second to bring a ray of sunshine down on the two Ninja's. Artemis then pulled back his hood revealing his Face once more, as he did it showed off his beautiful White hair and Charming good looking Features. As the missing ninja did he looked over His could be future opponent, as he spoke Artemis listened but excluded from making eye contact. He thought as the words from the unknown person sunk into his mind. "hmmm a nobody, i have never heard of.......Anomie." As Artemis Nonchalantly walked a few feet past Anomie, he stoped keeping his back to him.

Artemis looked ahead to the Large Steel door that guarded the entrance into Amegakure , Art waited for a moment and then quickly replied to Aomie, " The Names Artemis..... " Artemis sighed as he rested from speaking for just a moment, and then he quickly spoke once more, " Aomie, i have to say i have never heard of you........" He paused for a great while waiting on his reply... Artemis was very anxious as it showed on his face, achieving his goal was everything to him but first he had to successfully search through the rain village, he turned to face the great wall, as he did out of no where he took off jetting quickly twords the wall, His speed was so great that there appeared to be three of his actual bodies the first body was whole thick and it moved quickly, the second was fairly close to his original image but as it had lost some of its detail of his original appearance, it seemed to be a mere dispersed reflected image of him and it lagged trying to keep up with the first. the second on the other hand was even more transparent as it moved it seemed to be almost invisible. Every second that passed just seem to add to his ever growing speed, even for the great infamous uchiha Sharingan it was hard to keep up with his movements. As he bursted up the wall he popped up onto the top of the wall resting only for a moment as he looked over the village with his lifeless eyes.
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Posts : 96
Join date : 2009-05-21
Location : in a tree.

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PostSubject: Re: Verifying the Power.....   Verifying the Power..... Icon_minitimeTue Sep 15, 2009 4:24 pm

Riuku looked at Art and when he heared his name his eyes widend "I try to keep a low profile but i've heared of you. Your a strong person that has killed alot of people." Riuku said as he was runing, Riuku stayed with him the hole time. "What are you doing?" Riuku asked him. he was wanting to know what he wanted Riuku poped his neck and smiled. "Trust me im a strong person." Riuku smiled. He was wanting to know that if this guy will help him with having some fun. Riuku was going to have some fun. He looked at him for a little bit. "So, what do you do for fun?" He asked. Riuku now waits for somthing to happen.

(sorry got to eat)
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PostSubject: Re: Verifying the Power.....   Verifying the Power..... Icon_minitime

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